

Moya Janus (Moya Patrick in RL) obviously has no problems with beeing exposed. The French artist created on over  4 Sims a humurous, colorful cartoon world in his inimitable style. It is a lot of fun to walk around or use the offered cars or tour bikes. But wherever you move, almost everything is Moya personality cult. The summit is in every respect the Moya tower. But on top of the tower Moya gets its receipt. The inhabitants of his Sims demonstrate against the dictatorship of the artist and burn a statue of his colorful avatar!  :D

Taxi:   http://slurl.com/secondlife/Moya/100/74/22

At the foot of the tower you see a metal gate. Passing it you see a reproduction of his RL atelier. And do not get lost searching it in RL is in the atrium is a Google Earth view of this house in Nice. ^^

Moya exhibits currently in the Malmaison Cannes. The building is copied in SL and is part of the installation in Cannes. Visitors can see it on a screen and walk in SL with an avatar through the house. If you go there you become part of the exhibition in Cannes. But the visitors are also watched by you on a big screen and can voice chat with you. My viewer hates me and I could not see the livestream in SL but it is also on the net: http://www.moyapatrick.com/malmaison.htm. Moya is around almost every day as avatar or RL and I've already spoken with his avatar as well as with him RL in his exhibition in Cannes. The funny bus in front of the building and the little island can also be found currently in Cannes RL. The exhibition in Cannes runs until 2. October, Malmaison SL will stay.

Malmaison Cannes RL / SL

My SL hates me - Here should be seen the Livestream from Cannes
Moya in Cannes, talking to me in SL

Moya in SL


Quan Lavender said...

Here a Movie: http://videos.arte.tv/fr/videos/kunst_willkommen_bei_den_moya-4099552.html?fb_ref=.TlLITsGXN8I.like&fb_source=home_oneline

Quan Lavender said...

Und hier ist der Film auf deutsch: http://videos.arte.tv/de/videos/kunst_willkommen_bei_den_moya-4099552.html