

Boo Glasses

It is again that special time of the year when everyone is feed up with Christmas mood before the Holidays even started. Therefore I decided yesterday to have a break from romantic Winter sims and Christmas decoration, to do something else and to follow an invitation that I kept for long: Nuville Horrors

It opened right after Halloween, that special time of the year when everyone is feed up with horror mood ;)  The second reason to postpone the visit was the entrance fee of 100 Linden which is just meant for a one day visit. That means for a blogger to pass the game AND to take photos at once.

But I kept it because it has been built by 2 very talented people, which I admire for the quality of work with always a special cuteness, Anya Ohmai & Suetabulous Yootz. They wrote about the build: We are RL sisters and creators of !Ohmai and Beetlebones. We've been wishing to create an amusement park like atmosphere in Secondlife for a while now and finally decided; why not give this idea a shot?  Our dreams came true when we met with Biblar Heliosense - a scripter who was willing to meet with our crazy ideas and give them a shot in coming to life. Together the three of us bring to you Nuville Horrors - a place that not only is an event, but rather an experience in itself. 
Take your time to experience the ride, and the wonders that Secondlife has the capacity to fulfill. Then indulge yourself in over 50 gifts created by the sisters.

To make it short, my expectations has been fulfilled. After entering you are invited to a bus ride which leads to some well done scenes, partly Halloween themed and sadly neither interactive nor narrative. The tour ends at an apartment structure where you get a HUD for a simple Trick or Treat tour through the building.

The gifts have this special cuteness too, several Halloween decorations and shoulder pets. My favourites are the Boo glasses and this sweet mesh Bat Avatar incl. AO and Pooper (yes, seriously :). All together well worth the 100 Linden but not enough for many revisits and a full membership for 800 Linden.

Winter Shoulder Armor Black by LUAS Urban Style, Bullet Pendant + Pentagram Earrings (Gatcha) by Gamer's Inc.
Not from J&A Expo: M100 Dress Camo by Deco

I was thinking a horror adventure would deserve an adventurer outfit. A good occasion to present some more items of the Jewelry & Accessory Expo.

The weapons of a woman: Caicko Knuckleduster/FEMALE by CASHMERE&KEANE
Not from J&A Expo:  Bordello - Bonnie - Camo by [Gos]

Taxi to Nuville Horrors: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The%20Clove/244/89/26

Taxi To jewelry & Accessory Expo:  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Georgetown%20West%20Colorado/10/125/1302
(open through Dec. 21st)

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