Robin Sojourner's name I head first when I was very young in Second Life and learned to make clothes. Her templates has been a must. She is one of the multi talented artists which are making Second Life richer for many years already:
Link to her Marketplace shop here and to her Webpage here.
Quan Lavender travels in SL ( Second Life) and reports about beautiful places and art events
Music was my First Love...
...this wonderful song of John Miles came into my mind when I started to write about Musiclandia. First of all Second Life is a visual medium. But actually sounds and music are an important part of an immersive virtual experience.
Livio Korobase is running with friends a radio station and a music club in SL.But he had visions. Inspired by Disney's Silly Symphonies and especially "Music Land" the Italian wanted to create a music land in Second Life and applied for a LEA sim.
And he did fast and great. Musiclandia is a land to enjoy, explore and create music. For example in Moby visitors find a drum machine. Livio: "I saw some people loose hours here because the drum machine is really a drum machine, you can play in real time and at morning I come see the sequences that people have created. I like this very much."
Livio prepared several note cards which are provided in the different areas. They contain landmarks to skyboxes, but also information and inspirational texts like this:
Feathers and Kites
You are the guitar, and this whole vast universe is the music.
I am at the most just a passage for the music to reach to the guitar. That's why you don't see my guitar—because you don't see yourself.
Who are you? On whom am I playing my music? You hear my words and you also hear my silences, and naturally you feel a certain music surrounding me.
That music is your response, your love, your trust.
I don't know singing…I am a song. I don't know singing—you will have to sing in me. You will have to allow yourself to be totally available to me.
You can dance and it will be my dance.
You can sing and it will be my song.
You can play on instruments, but your fingers will be in synchronicity with me, and I am in synchronicity with the whole. So it is just formal to say that you are my songs, that you are my music. I am just a small passage; the beyond comes through me to your eyes.
And because it is of the beyond it has a tremendous capacity to transform you.
Osho talks about Music
In one of the notecards I could read that music is some kind of therapy too. And therefore here a piece of therapy for you, proved by me in several kinds of bad mood:
Tha last sentence in the video is a quote of philosopher Friedrich Nietsche: "Without music life would be a mistake."
Tha last sentence in the video is a quote of philosopher Friedrich Nietsche: "Without music life would be a mistake."
Go to Musiclandia, take your time to explore and try the installations. Give the sounds their time to load and and enjoy the wonderful world of music in Second Life. This installation is fun for all visitors and an inspiration for every artist and builder.
Gallery Hopping: A Novel and Magritte
Kylie Sabra: The Singing Dagger
Paris METRO Gallery opened an exhibtion with photogaphy of Kylie Sabra themed The Singing Dagger . The title is the name of a novel written by Kylie and available at Amazon. From the desoription I got that it is a fantasy story around 4 immortals. To fully appreciate the exhibtion make sure to have Advanced Light enabled.
In front of the door you find this gown with mask as gift. It is created by Paris METRO based on a work by Kylie. The photo is taken in the beautiful sim Quiet Wildnerness, which is worth a walk.
Damiax Thor: After Magritte
René Magritte is one of the most famous Surrealists. Damia Thor rebuilt some of his paintings in 3D. Really fun!
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Les Vacances de Hegel 1958 |
Opening today, Wedenesday at 1,30 PM SLT.
Berlin1920s is Growing!
Every nation has symbols of painful memories in the history. For my country one of them is the Brandenburger Tor, which I saw for the first time in my life behind a wall:
It is hard to explain how the feelings has been to walk through it. I so respect and appreciate the work of Jo Yardley and all others in Berlin1920 to create a Berlin with historical correctness. But is was always a bit disturbing to me that the Brandenburger Tor is placed at the sim border. But again, historically it is right. Because the part of the city behind the Brandenburger Tor has been a separated town until 1920.
But nevertheless it is good news that Berlin1920 opens a new homestead as park sim Tiergarten. To me it makes Berlin complete. The Tiergarten is planned a s residential sim and as far as I know there a still some parcels available. A great occasion for those, who appreciate a RP place with serious historical approach. In case you miss the the famous Victory Column in Tiergarten...that is correct too. This monument has been moved in 1939 by the Nazis to the current place. The Nazis had many roots in esoteric movements and practiced geomancy (the Western style of Feng Shui, sadly since centuries forbidden by the Catholic Church and has been practised therefore as secret science and is almost forgotten) for their builds. The Tiergarten is a power point and the Nazis wanted to enhance the monument, which is decorated with 60 canon gun barrels won in 3 wars as a symbol of Germany's military power by placing it as part of a power line.
Opening with party today at 12 PM SLT! Don't forget to be dressed properly in 1920s appearal. Freebies are available at the landing spot.
Motown in Second Life
Yesterday I went to check a Jazz themed exhibition by well known artist Bonafidenutts Aries. As so often I had no idea where I landed but luckily Bona saw me coming and invited me to check out the sim Detroit. At the opposite side I found him at Motown Records. The studio has been rebuilt by him in perfection to the tiniest details.
Talking with Bona he impressed me with his huge knowledge about the history of Motown. To me it was more a factory of great and timeless music. But he opened my eyes to the important role of this studio in the American social and political history. In the attached building you find a small gallery. The current exhibition is dedicated to Marvin Gaye. At the upper floor visitors can post their personal stories around Motown.
See here a short documentary on the social influence of Motown:
Bona told me that next show is planned as a tribute to the Supremes. Also gowns will be created as their style was trend setting. I don't want to miss that too.
Taxi to the gallery:
Taxi to Motown:
Ice Cream Festival
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Chocolate or Vanilla? |
That has been missed for the last days of summer! Several designers have created ice cream for Atelier Kreslo. Go and have a look, it's cool fun!
Sex and Virtual Relationships in a Book - Today for Free!
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by Lincoln Garnet |
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by Petra Messioptra |
At my visit today I found several images which told a story to me and wasn't just curved pixels. I took some snapshots. And in case you are a fan of curved pixels - at Assis is a lot to see :)
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by dariuskragin |
While I was thinking what to write in this post about erotic virtual art and to point out that the change from object to subject, something I can relate to or the relationship to the other person makes the difference to me, I got a message that a book written by a Second Life resident is available for free as Kindle version for just two days. I didn't know so far, that last year Pamala Clift has written about virtual relationships.
I downloaded for free at Amazon but of course could not read it so fast. Therefore I cannot answer why a "Virgin's Handbook" has a whole chapter about Online Sex. But I recommend to make use of the free download in case of interest. Get Virgin's Handbook on Virtual Relationships as Kindle for free here. Only today and tomorrow.
Taxi to gallery Assis:
Tutsy Navarathna's Journeys into the Metaverse
Machinima are playing an important role in a virtual art world. They are able to give non residents an impression of Second Life with all the endless possibilities. And the machinima artists have a tool that enables them to create works with an extremely low budget compared to RL works. But I see these videos too as the best tool to preserve inworld installations. Builds usually vanish after a while from the grid and machinima are able to documentate them. Even better if the images are part of a storyline.
Tutsy Navarathna is one of the most important machinima creators in Second Life. His works has been - well deserved - awarded many times. Tutsy is a French painter and director of TV movies and experimental cinema. He has been living and working in the South of India for the past ten years.
But as important the machinima are, it is always a challenge to present tham inworld. Nitroglobus gallery has chosen to exhibit Tutsy's ‘environments’ of his films in 2D works with some nice effects. Make sure to have sound enabled and click at the works.
An here of course the featured movies:
To me the presentation is a good idea to make aware of the work of a great machinima artist. I would like to see more machinima makers presented and honored this way. If you want so see more of Tutsys videos, have a look at his youtube stream.
Gallery Hopping With Opening Today
The Rose Gallery presents as usually a huge variety of artists. At my last visit especially this exhibition caught my eyes.
Molly Bloom: Alter Ego
"Alter Ego" is the exhibit now presented at The Rose Gallery. Second Life allows a person to look through the lens of their alter ego. This exhibit is a celebration of those people that come here to be cowboys, warriors, philosophers, lovers and adventurers, and in the process learn something about themselves. Their flesh crystallizes and morphs as they live their fantasies. Our vast cerebral adventure awaits us and our human bodies release the rush of the whole range of human emotion."
I think the exhibition is a good inspiration to try out more roles in Second Life. Nice idea and nice scenes!
GERNOT: Bizarre
"Gernot draws and paints his bizarre characters mostly with a wink of the eye but with technical seriousness and passion."
To me this art is another example of how women are more seen solely as objects nowadays, but I admit they are really good. Worth to be seen.
More about the artists here:
Opening today, 1-3 SLT at Tart Gallery:
Molly Bloom: Alter Ego
"Alter Ego" is the exhibit now presented at The Rose Gallery. Second Life allows a person to look through the lens of their alter ego. This exhibit is a celebration of those people that come here to be cowboys, warriors, philosophers, lovers and adventurers, and in the process learn something about themselves. Their flesh crystallizes and morphs as they live their fantasies. Our vast cerebral adventure awaits us and our human bodies release the rush of the whole range of human emotion."
I think the exhibition is a good inspiration to try out more roles in Second Life. Nice idea and nice scenes!
GERNOT: Bizarre
"Gernot draws and paints his bizarre characters mostly with a wink of the eye but with technical seriousness and passion."
To me this art is another example of how women are more seen solely as objects nowadays, but I admit they are really good. Worth to be seen.
More about the artists here:
Opening today, 1-3 SLT at Tart Gallery:
The Drax Files: Mon Tissu and Celoe
Here is the latest episode of Draxtor Despres' succesful Second Life reports. See an interview with Elie Spot, co-owner of Celoe and Mon Tissu at Mayfair. I blogged the sim here.
ART in HATS - HATS in ART Visitors Contest: The Winners
ART in HATS – HATS in ART took place at Art India Gallery in June and July:
Designers, artists and photographers joint for an exciting event: new, exclusive hats from the best SL fashion brands, photographed for an exhibition that shows together hats and photo artpieces.
For the visitors contest has been provided a simple Fedora hat copy/mod and the contestants has been asked to decorate the hat and to take a photo.
The winners has been found by public voting and a judging panel.
The judges has been:
Anna Sapphire – Model and Fashion Editor at AVENUE MAGAZINE
Chirzaka Vlodovic – Owner and creator of LODE HEADWAER
Melusina Parkin – Photo artist and CEO of MEB Fashion
Quan Lavender – Blogger and curator of Art India Gallery
The prizes are:
1. Vouchers to AVENUE Models Academy about 3.000, 2.000 and 1.000 Linden
2. Linden Prizes about 3.000, 2.0000 and 1.000 Linden donated by Medley Arts, Veekay Navaratha
3. A huge box of hats donated by the designers of the show
Designers, artists and photographers joint for an exciting event: new, exclusive hats from the best SL fashion brands, photographed for an exhibition that shows together hats and photo artpieces.
For the visitors contest has been provided a simple Fedora hat copy/mod and the contestants has been asked to decorate the hat and to take a photo.
The winners has been found by public voting and a judging panel.
The judges has been:
Anna Sapphire – Model and Fashion Editor at AVENUE MAGAZINE
Chirzaka Vlodovic – Owner and creator of LODE HEADWAER
Melusina Parkin – Photo artist and CEO of MEB Fashion
Quan Lavender – Blogger and curator of Art India Gallery
The prizes are:
1. Vouchers to AVENUE Models Academy about 3.000, 2.000 and 1.000 Linden
2. Linden Prizes about 3.000, 2.0000 and 1.000 Linden donated by Medley Arts, Veekay Navaratha
3. A huge box of hats donated by the designers of the show
The voting gave a clear result. Place one was No 1 at public voting too and goes to:
won 3.000 Linden, a voucher for AVENUE Models Academy about 3.000
Linden and a huge hat box!
works got the same amount of votes, so we have two second places.
Joint 2nd prize: MOKI YUITZA
Both won 1.5000 Linden, an AVENUE Models Academy Voucher about 1.500
Linden and a hat box!
ART in HATS was much work but even more fun. Maybe there will be another Art / Fashion event next year. I still have ideas...
DJ Line Up for INNER PRISONS and ESCAPES Opening Today
An opening event is tricky thing. Of course everyone wants to have fun and dance. But when the artist built an asylum to tell with "INNER PRISONS" the story of his own mental health issues, is that the right location to party? On the other hand, can we imagine our "ESCAPES" without music? Hardly!
After some consideration we plan the opening as follows. We start with dark music at INNER PRISONS and move then to the ESCAPES with a sexy Soul set.
11 AM SLT: - Inauguration of the ART in HATS - HATS in ART Photo Contest Winners
- Opening of the exhibition INNER PRISONS and ESCAPES
- 80s New Wave, Post-Punk, Synthpop, Gothic, Futurepop and Industrial
1,30 PM SLT - DJ Everest Piek-Laval at ESCAPES
- Soul Classics
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DJ Everest Pike-Laval |
DJ Sred: the perpetrator and designer for Avatar Bizarre by day, and a DJ by night. He is specialized in 80s New Wave, Post-Punk, Synthpop, Gothic, Futurepop, and the lighter side of Industrial.
DJ Everest Piek-Laval in SL as DJ since 2008 and is part of the simkastradio team. The Soul set of today is assembled especially for the event.
Find more about the works in my previous post.
11,30 AM: DJ Sred at INNER PRISONS
1,30 PM: DJ Everest at ESCAPES
The sculptures of Chuckmatrix Clip always had a strong dark side for me. About 6 months ago I asked him if he would like to exhibit at Art India Gallery and to concentrate on this dark side. Luckily he agreed.
I considered that the juxtaposition of the colourful, bright patterns of Dan Freeland's art would provide Chuck's work with the greatest possible contrast. Both artists started to work with enthusiasm and they happily have included me in their creative process, inviting me in from time to time and letting me watch their work growing. In the hours we spent together we had intense talks, from which resulted the title of this exhibition: INNER PRISONS AND ESCAPES.
Chuck submitted, in the meantime, a work to the UWA Contest called “The Scent of Her”. The sculpture showed a man lying in bed crying, with a bear in his arms. The work touched me deeply. It requires a large amount of courage for a man, with typical male attitudes, to reveal a self portrait like this.
This sculpture is the final piece of the upcoming exhibition. It tells the story of Chuckmatrix's struggle with mental disease and gives the visitor a strong impression of being hospitalized in an asylum.
We talked about self perception, the thin line between mental health and disease, prejudices and the hard road to recovery.
In contrast, Dan's use of pornographic images which are processed to colourful patterns, lead to other talks about cybersex and the SL users who are just here for erotic adventures. Dan works for the first time with animated textures. The slow, constantly changing patterns and repetitions are not only beautiful but they also inspire one to reflect on addiction.
And suddenly I understood...
The INNER PRISONS may look more frightening but they provide a seed of hope whilst the yearned for ESCAPES look bright, but have potentially dangerous undercurrents.
Dan Freeland about ESCAPES:
"My work shown in sl manipulates and abstracts pornographic imagery. Porn is generally not treated as art, yet it is part of our visual language. Porn as an escape for some, an anathema for others, but to simply dismiss it or hide it under the bed denies us the ability to understand something about who we are. I look for the art in it."
Chuckmatrix Clip about INNER PRISONS:
"In February 2003 I was at Rochester Institute studying medical illustration. I had become extremely depressed, to the point of becoming suicidal. The police came and brought me to a local hospital where they instantly decided I had clinical depression, slapped a bottle of antidepressants in my hand and sent me on my way. I took the rest of the school year off, and that summer to get some therapy. By the end of the summer I was feeling good. REALLY good, so I went back to school. What no one knew then, was that I was in fact bipolar, and had merely lapsed into a manic phase that was growing out of control.
Within a couple of months of going back, I started to rapid cycle. I was awake for days on end, drinking, partying, and going to the one class I liked which was Human Gross Anatomy. I admittedly was using the class to teach myself how to more effectively hurt people. Then I would crash for a couple of days, not getting out of bed except to use the bathroom. I started hearing voices, seeing things that no one should have to see, and started becoming more and more paranoid. By Thanksgiving I was pretty well gone. On Thanksgiving break, while home with my parents, I did and said somethings that I'm not proud of, and landed myself in the local mental hospital by my home. After a lengthy and in depth psychiatric evaluation, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder mixed type with psychotic tendencies.
There is much I could tell you about the ten months I spent in the hospital. Instead, I will limit it to this story, the story behind the final piece in this exhibit... After several months in the hospital, and much discussion as to the safety of it, the doctors allowed my parents to bring me the stuffed bear that I had been given on my first birthday. He had seen me through some hard times in my life, and during this challenging time, I had asked for him several times. Finally, I had him, and I sat him against my pillow. That night, I lay down in bed, cuddled up with my teddy bear, and took a deep breath. I smelled the scent of my mother's perfume so strongly. Leaning down I sniffed lightly at White Bear (I named him when I was one ok?) and he smelled like my mom through and through. I realized in that moment, that SHE had been sleeping with him for comfort. I realized that we had both sought comfort from him as we, in essence, sought the same thing... ME. The me who had been lost in mental illness and resentment of things past. And so, I screamed. I buried my face in my pillow and let out a silent scream that only God could have heard, and cried for the first time in years.
It was a moment of deep self reflection. I knew in that one moment everything that had changed, everything that would need to be changed, and that I wasn't as separated from my parents as I thought. She had found comfort in my old stuffed bear, and actually given up that little bit of comfort for my sake as I fought to find myself somewhere deep in a disturbed mind.
A decade later, I've turned my life around. After a few years in massive amounts of therapy, group therapy, another suicide attempt, and a bit more therapy, I went back to college for graphic design. I took it slow at first, but soon found my niche. I was part of a by invitation only class that did work on live projects for local businesses. I graduated last year, and aside from SL I do freelance work while I look for a full time position. No matter how far you fall, there is always a way back up."
Opening: August 14th at 11 AM SLT . The opening starts with the inauguration of the ART in Hats Visitors Contest.
Taxi: sadly gone
Showtime: Romeo And Juliet in Second Life!
Romeo and Juliet is without any doubt the most famous love story worldwide. "The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet" has been written 1597 by William Shakespeare basing on a novel by Arthur Brooke. Of course Second Life has creative people who made a virtual play happen. Becky (Canary Beck) and Harvey Crabsticks are director and producer of the performance company. Harvey created HUD's for he dance preformances and rezzers for fast set changing. Becky comments on the fun of creating a show: ":Mainly, it's developing the show itself - everything from identifying the story line, what scenes will tell the story, planning the music to match, then choreagraphing the scenes together."
The challenge was to change a theater piece ino something that the virtual audience will fascinate. The play tells the story on many levels to keep the visitors concentration. Music, choreography, voice and text chat: "Standard dance animations are put them together to match the music Every dance requires somewhere between 6-8 animations, all put together and timed perfectly to work for the whole song." The text parts of course are edited and shortened but are all taken from the original play. Becky :" Harvey and I then chose the key passages that would tell the story of that scene, then we edited them for brevity. But all of the text is Shakespeare's own. We had to time the text reader to display the text for each player at the right time in the scene and of course, the scene time was governed by the length of the song."
The choice of songs are an essential part of the play. I enever could imagine that contemporary music could fit so good. But the story is timesless. Becky: "We also wanted to add some humour to it as well. For example, we chose Michael Buble's "Fever" for the balcony scene, which is all about infatuation and how desperate Romeo is to meet his new found love. And "Let's get it on" by Jack Black for the sex scene, which really just says it all . We also wanted to have a good mix in there, from rock, to pop, to folk, electronica, country and classical." This way Romeo and Juliet turned to a musical story for everyone. Maybe not a play for purists, but I found it well done and entertaining.
The cast is a group of friends. The audience can feel the harmony between them. They do not change their avatars, they are actors. This way the play has a personal note. During the play the cast communicates constantly in group chat for perfect timing. To make as much plays happen as possible, they built up a second cast. Here are the dates of the next performances:
TODAY, Sunday August 11, 12 noon SLT, Company A
Saturday, August 17, 1pm SLT, Company B
Saturday, August 24, 1pm SLT, Company B
Saturday, August 31, 1pm SLT, Company B
Sunday, September 8, 12 noon SLT, Company A
Runtime: 120 minutes
Location: Basilique Playhouse
Stream address:
Recommendations for viewing: Advanced Lighting Model: On, Light and Shadows: Sun/Moon and Projectors
Showtime: MADONNA - The Virtual History Tour Saturday, August 17th
Did you ever attend a show in Second Life? It is actually yery entertaining and I admire the many work that the staff of a show is investing for script, decoration, costumes, choreography and music.
"MADONNA : The Virtual History Tour". promises 2 hours entertaining with 13 songs, 12 interludes with rare remixes, 8 dancers, a great DJ, and... MADONNA to take you to explore her career.
I really had fun to watch it. Every song has new costumes and decoration.
See here a show trailer:
Madonna Virtual History Tour in Second Life von Mihoying
The show will be held today Saturday August 17th at 1 PM SLT!
Please wear less scripts as possible! (Check hair and shoes!)
Bogon Flux is back!
Monday claimed the artists in residence of round 5 at LEA the sims. Eupalinos Ugajin took the chance to invite a build that everyone should have seen: The Bogon Flux, built by Blotto Epsilon and Cutea Benelli. This installation is the predecessor of the famous Petrovski Flux at Spencer Art Museum, which is regarded by many as the best installation in Second Life. The principle of both is a cluster of devices that grow, assembling themselves from modular units, only to blow apart and rebuild themselves. But Bogon Flux is "more silly and more to discover", as Cutea commented today.
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Taken from Eupalinos' Flickr |
In case you don't know how to move in the structure, refer to the hieroglyphics board or read the added text:
for the hieroglyphics-challenged, the
lower toob apertures have teleports to
assist with climbing. to descend, you're
on your own, and navigation is just
If you want to know more about the work, please read the book "Everything you never wanted to know about Bogon Flux". You find it in front of the entrance and you can take you copy. To give you short summary the story: Cutea and Blotto had to much beer while building and the structure decided to grow itself. We only can hope that it does not decide to cover all LEA sims.
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Cutea changed for the reopening from beer to champagne. You see me wearing the safety helmet. |
If you dare to visit LEA20, please consider the recommendation of host Eupalinos Ugajin: "Wear your helmet!" The safety helmet is provided too in front of the entrance.
Bored in Second Life? Impossible With The Best Tour Guide!
The rich variety of build and events in Second Life lives mainly from all the busy people who have fun to create and share with others.
Anne-Elisabeth Jane (lockedfeast Resident) is one of them. She is not only P/A of Soraya Vaher, CEO of the high fashion brand Violator. Anne. Elisabeth is creator of
This Directory of landmarks comes in five chapters:
✍ Shopping
✍ Build/Make
✍ Adult
✍ Vanilla SIMs (General interest)
✍ HOWTO/Newbie/Freebie
The Directory is free and will be updated once every other month beginning in August 2013. It carries no advertising or sponsorship. If the date listed is older than the previous month, this edition is probably obsolete. For a current edition, corrections or if you have LMs that should be in this directory please contact Anne-Elisabeth (lockedfast Resident)."
I know which huge amount of work is behind the constant updating of Landmarks. Anne-Elisabeth deserves a biiiig thank! Buy the directory for zero Linden at the marketplace.
The sim I am blogging here is a recommendation of Anne-Elisabeth. Angelfall Castle is a private sim, but the owner shares the great place and allows publice acces. Especially the castle, built by Romeu Tomsen is spectacular!
Anne-Elisabeth Jane (lockedfeast Resident) is one of them. She is not only P/A of Soraya Vaher, CEO of the high fashion brand Violator. Anne. Elisabeth is creator of
This Directory of landmarks comes in five chapters:
✍ Shopping
✍ Build/Make
✍ Adult
✍ Vanilla SIMs (General interest)
✍ HOWTO/Newbie/Freebie
The Directory is free and will be updated once every other month beginning in August 2013. It carries no advertising or sponsorship. If the date listed is older than the previous month, this edition is probably obsolete. For a current edition, corrections or if you have LMs that should be in this directory please contact Anne-Elisabeth (lockedfast Resident)."
I know which huge amount of work is behind the constant updating of Landmarks. Anne-Elisabeth deserves a biiiig thank! Buy the directory for zero Linden at the marketplace.
The sim I am blogging here is a recommendation of Anne-Elisabeth. Angelfall Castle is a private sim, but the owner shares the great place and allows publice acces. Especially the castle, built by Romeu Tomsen is spectacular!
Mechanical Circus is Back with a Birthday Cake
Under the sky of dull gray, the world will continue to march slowly.
Toward to the future such as ancient. .
Circus goes Between the prayer and science
With passion, coasting, diligence, laziness and all emotions.
Dreaming machines are faithful to destiny.
"Works for life"
The sorrow landed as pouring rain,
The joy is stroking cheeks like the wind blows,
The hatred blooms like a flower,
The love follows as the sound of the waves.
Can you hear the fanfare of blessing?
Your circus has came...
Good news! The Mechanical Circus found a new home for August. Even those who have seen it will be glad to have the chance to explore it more. There are so many details to see! And the gift avatar is available too at the landing spot:
Hypatia Pickens did a great machinima in the installation. Enjoy:
Open all August!
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