
Drama is Fun

Bohemian Ossuary necklace Dark Pearls by Nocturnal Couture, Lacuna Eyeshadow Red By Snow
Pose Despair by Uncertain Smile

Not from WGF: Hair Josephine by LeLutka, Moonglow Lip Color: Vintage Reds Cherry by Senzafine

This is the last weekend of the World Goth Fair and I take the chance to present a couple of items and outfits I fell in love with.

Jessica Ruby Dress incl. gloves and hat by FOSCA de LE, Pose EY - Too Much Cheek by Something New
Gothic Gazebo +  Amber Lamp Gold by 22769 ~ [bauwerk] 

Not from WGF: Off Sim Reef

I like this fair because I love the dramatic effects you can create with goth styling.

Scatterheart is wearing: Alaric Stand Collar Jacket by DarkPassions,
not from WGF: Mens Chinos v2 by BRAVURA, RayRay Boots by Hoorenbeek, Voyageur hat by LODE
I am wearing: Alvira Frock by Dark Passions, Lace Glimpse Pants by Greymoon, Mellies Vintage Boot by DemotiK's Footwear, Apparel & Accessories, Royal Voodoo Hat by Sax Sheperd Designs, Antique Glasses by Eclectica, Hair Astarte + Iron Cross Necklace by LNS Designs, Skin Celine - Exclusive Purple by Jalwa
Deco: Chtuluh Armchair Black Leather Brocade + The Nevermore Black/Gold by 22769 ~ [bauwerk],
Arch of Saint Eustace - V3 by Rook Poses

I know that many avatars write in their profile that they avoid drama in Second Life. I think that is neither possible nor good. I found this on the webpage of an actors academy:  "Drama is one of the most important assets to learn in our lives. Through Drama we learn to explore the way other people think, feel and communicate, helping us understand others and ourselves on a higher level."

Medieval Dolly Dress by BitsyB, Lolita Boots by Sax Sheperd Designs, Skin Celine - Exclusive Purple by Jalwa,
Perenelle necklace by Eclectica, Forgotten Melody Haunted Piano + Nevermore Fantasy Raven by Angelic Designs

Not from WGF: Hair Drewleigh by Damselfly

Avoiding drama therefore means a lack of interest in others. And people who "play" with other avatars and use them for their goals without concerning about their feelings are those which really should be avoided!

From WGF: Tank Dress Bleeding Rose + Curled NekoTail Roses Large + Goth Neko Ear Rose Large
 + Corset Boot Skulls n Roses by Psychotic Neko, Hair Pagan by Damselfly, Skin Plaster Stepmother by Silken Moon,
Room Divider with poses "Picture In the Attic" by NANTRA

Not from the event: Desert Lips by Glamorize, LacquerSublimeRouge Nails by MIAMAI, Eye Shadow by LeeL

The World Goth Fair does not offer only morbid items. Isn't that Neko outfit with roses cute?
The Event is open until tomorrow, June 1st.

WGF CURSED (adult) – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cursed/65/129/1020
WGF SIUM (moderate) – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sium/127/200/1001
WGF PORT SERAPHINE (general) –http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Port%20Seraphine/99/132/25


Farewell to Luciella Lutrova and Nepherses Amat

It is part of our second life that we have to say goodbye to avatars who gave joy to others by their creativity. Today I got the message that the painter from Argentina, known in Second Life as Luciella Lutrova passed away. She was not only known as painter, she created interior and jewelry and used to run a gallery. She will be missed.

In Luciella's gallery

Her works are to be seen in these galleries:
L'Atelier de Luciella: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hua%20Hin/233/11/1709
Studio33: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rockcliffe%20Conservatory/214/36/508
EAST Gallery: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Georgiana/204/206/48

I use this chance to remind too of Nepherses Amat, who created beautiful and inspiring places at her sim Dark Moon and passed away about a month. For the second last build "Dark Moon India" she created the Indian palace which has been loved by many at Shekhawati before the sim has been sold and changed completely. Thank you Neph for your generosity!

Nepherses' palace at Shekhawati - sadly gone

Her12th and last build "Dark Moon Avalon" has a wonderful landscape. I blogged it here. I have no clue how long it will stay, so you better should visit the place soon.

Taxi to Dark Moon Avalon: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hua%20Hin/233/11/1709

Goodbye to two wonderful ladies!


5 Years Berlin1920!

When I was young in Second Life and where restlessly on exploration tour fast I discovered the Berlin1920 project, which was in a skybox at that time if I remember right. I saw many rebuilds of historical and contemporary places since then and most of them vanished after a while, but not Berlin1920. The community grew to 4 sims and although I am not a big role player I appreciate the learning process which made me better understand how many parallels are to find between that time and nowadays: The unsafe economic situation, the growing difference between rich and poor and the growing strength of political radicalism as a result of this social imbalance as we could see with the election results in Europe. Germany as one of the richest countries worldwide today is at a point where 25% of the population not even can afford healthy nutrition. How long will it take until the first will start to starve here and nobody cares?

The new Babylon cinema, finished RL in 1929 and still running

I like the community which is aware of that but also of the fast that Berlin in the 1920s was the wildest, hottest and most sinful and attractive town  worldwide. If people know how to party, it is them. The growing success of Berlin1920s is mostly due to the restless efforts of Jo Yardley, who was able from the beginning a real 1920s feeling by choosing structures and design from that era and to urge  all role players and visitors to change to a realistic 1920s appearance.

Some people do not like to be forced to wear something special, usually arguing that the wide range of possible avatars is part of the amazing experience in Second Life. True! But who says that the fun is most when everything is everywhere possible? Since latest research gave us hints that the avatar influences our behavior it is another dimension of perception when we slip into another role for a while. This "immersion" is the real amazing experience! And exactly that is the reason why this RP sim has an ongoing, still growing success.

We are Berlin residents. Come and have a look into our small apartment under the roof in Friedrichstrasse 7 D
Read my post here!

If you are still not convinced, come today or next Monday for a visit with relaxed rules. Come as you are!
See here the full schedule of events for the 5 year celebration:

Today, Thursday, May 29: Open Door Day (Relaxed Rules)
On this day everyone is welcome to visit our sim ‘as they are’, with other words, you can ignore our strict 1920s dress code and you can also use non human avatars. Several of our tenants will also open their doors and an ‘Open House’ sign will show you where you can enter and explore how the people in the city live.

Friday, May 30
1:00 PM SLT – Kids’ Soap Box Derby @ Tiergarten *prizes*
2:00 PM SLT – 5th Anniversary Dance @ Pariser Platz (Brandenburger Tor) with DJ Myron Byron
 4-ish PM SLT – After party @ Kling Studio

Saturday, May 31
11:00 AM SLT – Tea Dance @ Hotel Adlon
12:00 PM SLT – Miss Berlin Pageant rehearsal @ The Odeon
1:00 PM SLT – Happy Hour Talent Show @ Biergarten *prizes*
2:00 PM SLT – Eldorado Anniversary Special

Sunday, June 1
11:00 AM SLT – Scavenger Hunt @ Train station *prizes*
12:00 PM SLT – Miss Berlin Pageant @ The Odeon *prizes*
1:00 PM SLT – Flapperettes 2nd Anniversary Party @ Bauhaus rooftop, Unter den Linden 17
2:00 PM SLT – Benefit Auction Happy Hour @ Bauhaus rooftop, Unter den Linden 17
4:00 PM SLT – Church Service *a prize for all attendees*
5:00 PM SLT – Movie screening @ Babylon
7:00 PM SLT – Flapperettes 2nd Anniversary Party (part 2) @ Bauhaus rooftop

Monday, June 2:  Relaxed Rules Day
On this day we forget the 1920s Dress code and allow all kinds of avatars.

But be warned!
 We also allow our tenants to ignore all the other rules of the sim and this usually means they will go a little nuts…

More at Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/265276560117/events/
Berlin1920s blog:  http://1920sberlinproject.wordpress.com/2014/05/28/5th-anniversary/

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/1920s%20Berlin/250/233/752
Take the train to the roleplay sim!


Gallery Hopping

It is a while ago that I posted the last Gallery Hopping and in the meantime opened many interesting installations. I choose a couple of them:

Every Picture Tells a Song
The images of Cold Frog are touching

Kake Broek and Cold Frog have a large group of admirers and followers at their Flickr streams and I am one of them. Kake a re loved for the photos of his strange avatar which are dedicated to caricatures of various, often very political themes and Cold is known for her surrealistic and funny works. But don't expect to see the same in this exhibition. A good gallerist is able to inspire artists for something new. Their images are themed by songs. While Cold has chosen songs from different artists and surprises with her dark and sad sides, Kake has chosen songs of Syd Barrett, one of the early members of the Band Pink Floyd. He is seen as one of the pioneers of Psychedelic Rock, but had to to leave the band due to mental and drug issues. The song text and links to the youtube songs are to be found at floating sheets in front of the works. This show is a must see and you should take the time to try the links to the related songs.

Cold on her Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/34641906@N08/
Kake on his Flickr:  https://www.flickr.com/photos/13539895@N06/

Open through May and June.

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Costa%20Blanco/195/106/770

The Tidings of Magpies

The images of Talullah Winterwolf are not something that one would hang over the sofa, they are beautiful, deep and fascinating but also disturbing and strange.

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rockcliffe%20Conservatory/205/38/526

 A Dream, the wings to fly

Artist London Junckers had the inspiration for this piece from the history of aviation starting with the dream to fly.  It is play- and beautiful.

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Solaris%20Island/172/50/1401

The Absense of Colours

...is an installation by Ranadeep an Milly Sharple which shows a nice collection of monochrome works. The nice presentation could not avoid that I became confused after a while what I have already seen and which was new. I think a bit more different works would have helped to make the installation more surprising and interesting. But definitely recommended!

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Timamoon%20Arts/60/43/2818


Melusina Parkin created a couple of spaces which ate covering different themes, but all in her unique simplified style. Great as always!

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Crystal%20Gardens%20Estates/166/226/3177

The Hitmaker

To visit Betty Tureaud's Hitmaker it is highly recommended to wear a safety helmet. Click everything and enjoy!

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Danish%20Visions/166/210/1951

This is one of many interesting and entertaining builds. Have look at the whole gallery with Betty Tureaud's private collection at the ground and the rocket TP to the installations!

Taxi to main entrance: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Danish%20Visions/180/218/26


LTD Gallery Shop reopens with a Limited Edition by Claudia222 Jewell

Every 2nd 23rd of the month the new Love To Decorate Magazine is out and it is again great. Here is the new copy:

Powered by Issuu
Publish for Free

Again I contributed a small art collection: The Art Scene, featuring works by Apple Fall, bf2 Sheperd, Dan Freeland, Fae Varriale, Feathers Boa, Fuschia Nightfire, Gouda Latte, Isabeau Baragula, Louly Loon, Masako, Ragamuffin Kips and Rod North.

Art had to seen and experienced, therefore we present these works and a few more in the LTD Gallery Shop. For example Warm Heart Cold heart is changing when you walk near to the work. Come ans see!

Limited Edition by Claudia22 Jewell

And a small sensation is the Geisha vase, created by Claudia222 Jewell. She crested with Spirits one of the best visited art simes ever in Second Life before she decided to step back from creating. Claudia222 Jewell never sold art and maybe this is the only chance ever to get a work by her. Strictly limited to 50 pieces!

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Amadora/209/190/22


Three Openings Today!

That will be a busy evening for art lovers. 3 openings at the same time!

Nessuno Myoo: No Signal

Nessuno made it again to build a beautiful intriguing piece which contains a puzzle. From the invitation:

It's a very special work, with inside a small mystery to unravel.
Find all clues and ventured into the solution of the enigma,  
thanks to which will be revealed to you one of the singular key 
to the interpretation of the work.

Opening today at 2 PM SLT, Open until June 14th.

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/MIC/21/158/21

Louly Loon: PopArt Experience

A wonderful playful work that reminded of a walk through in fun fairs. I enjoyed a lot the time travel back to Pop Art.

Opening today Thursday, May 22th 2014, at 2.00 PM SLT

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Crystal%20Cave/185/207/4000

Wan Laryukov: Dust from the Stars

The seemingly Portuguese artist made an installation on an own poem which can be found in English too. The work itself consists of scattered pieces with lights effects which I neither found technically well built, nor made it sense to me. Quote from the end of the poem:

And I was alone - A living nonsense
A poet, a jarring paradox
A blow in the face of your tolerance
Because I am the never ending contradiction
While telling you about me

I agree and I am not impressed. But it will be full today. Ultraviolet Alter will play for the opening tonight!

Opening today at 2 PM SLT, Concert at 2,30 PM SLT!

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/RothKo/59/219/21


Cyber Orthodox Under Water

Artist statement:

Past few days my country is affected by Biblical size floods that were never recorded in our history. Tens of thousands people is evacuated from their homes and thousands of homes is under water. As you can understand, human lifes are most valuable to save but uncounted number of animals lost their lifes. This morning I have wake up with news that more then 100 tons of dead animals is gathered just from one city. And it is not over yet...

In this light, for solidarity, I have decided to flood my new ongoing work “Cyber Orthodox”  in LEA 6. I left peaks of work above, same as rooftops of houses are above in this floods.
Igor Ballyhoo

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEA6/218/180/26


Fashionart Runway Show Today

In this previous post I tried how art and and fashion are combined in the FashionArt event and this was much fun.

Captive Heart Outfit by Lybra + Armorial Black Lips by Jump @ Fashionart
Militia Boots Iron Cross by Deadpool + Skin Plaster Stepmother by Silken Moon
 + Erius Eye Make Up by Pin Me Down + Pose Sorcerer by Uncertain Smile @ World Goth Fair

Lybra created this outfit as exclusive for the Event and will part of the Fashion Show today together with Vero Modero, Sundaara,  M&M Inc, Clout, K-Collection by Liv Glam  & ZOZ.

Fashionart 1st Runway Show today at 3 PM SLT!

Taxi (Landmark working 1 hour before the show):  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Legal%20Insanity%203/128/234/2002


World Goth Fair Opens the Doors

Currently is coming up one interesting event after the other. Today at Noon is opening Word Goth Fair. The creativity of the designers is amazing and some of the event Exclusives inspired me to these images:

Scatterheart is wearing: Mitternacht Hatter Purple Outfit by Avatar Bizarre, Sunglasses no longer available
Me: Sophia Mesh Gothic Dress + Headdress by Aliza Karu, Skin Pewter Witch by Silken Moon,
Pose Despair2 by Uncertain Smile, Pandora Vampire Altar by Angelic Designs with single and couple animations
Not from the event: Hair Queenie by Tameless

Mystic dress faded by Lassitude & Ennui, Hair Octotavia by Damselfly,  Lucretia Necklace Abyssal  by
Chaos, Panic & Disorder, Shoes La Addiction-Muerte Leather Slink High by Nocturnal Couture
Skin  Dark Fae Female Ash by Atomic Faery, Pose Despair 1 and LA FETE TRISTE Doves by Uncertain Smile

The fair design is amazing as usually and it's fun to have a walk.

At the Fair
World Goth Fair, now open until end of May!
More about the event: http://worldgothfair.wordpress.com/



Axi Mundi, Forest of Scissors, Metamorphoses, to name just a few...the name of Igor Ballyhoo stands for many virtual artworks which can be already called classics. When he decided to leave Second Live in 2011 and to delete his account most of these works are gone forever since he never sold art and just a handful pieces pieces remained in the hand of friends. The large exhibitions at UTSA artspace disappeared with the sim.

Luckily friends convinced him to come back with a new avatar and privately he created pieces which grown to a series over the time. Thanks to JayJay Zifanwe, the curator of the LEA Full Sim Art Series, Igor is exhibiting for the first time almost 3 years later (The only exception was a beautiful musicbox that he created for the "Musicbox for Children" auction at Art India Gallery in Dec. 2012).


Landing at LEA 6 the visitor immediately recognizes his typical style, impressive structures with a martial effect at first glance which expose their sensuality and vulnerability on closer look.

 orthodox DNA

Igor was so nice to give me a guided tour. The first work at the landing spot "regular process of splitting things" is giving the guideline to the installation. Igor: "I am trying to satirically address to everyone who think their word is only true." The satire starts with the word Orthodox, which of course is the name of the large Christian church but literally translated from Greek orthos (right, true, straight) + doxa (opinion or belief) is adherence to accepted norms. Igor is playing with Orthodox iconography, because "just the name "orthodox" is imposing their way of thinking, you don't find that in other religions names." Igor and I agreed that other religions as Christianity, Islam and Judaism claim the same right on the only truth in opposite to Buddhism and other Eastern religions. Igor: "Orthodoxy is dangerous mutation when it comes to imposing your way of thinking because it is practically aggressive and dismissive in one word." The result is that people try to match the ideals with lifestyle, fashion, plastic surgery or even GMO. On my comment that perfectionism can become boring Igor answered: "Perfection will never become boring because fashion changes." The vision of all the "masks" in Hollywood changed by even more surgery maybe made me shuddering.


Igor about Icarus: "I was a child when father told me story and I was extremely impressed how strong attraction to beauty is to die in effort to reach it as he aimed to the sun."

Hypercross of All Seeing Eye

"This is the hypercross. In certain moments this cubes form a perfect same sided cross in space.
This work is my reach for 4th dimension, dimension of time so that is why it is perfect just for one short moment." It is the first of a couple of pieces which are using Orthodox symbolism and patterns to deal with the idea of perfection in several ways and dimensions.

I especially like the dripping Orthodox images, which look as if the idea of a "true belief" is getting lost. Igor has been inspired to this work in an small Orthodox church during the ceremony on an insanely hot day which brought the candles to melting.

Igor about the apple: "Scientists for decades already modify gene of different species of plants to be resistant to this and that and the apple is of course symbol of our fall from heaven. So my question is: What if we have now is heaven and corporation push us to try the GMO apple?... Visual perfection sells. When I go to the store nowadays I look at fruit and every single apple looks the same. They are all looking like apple from Snowhite. Cartoon good! Everything starts to taste like water."

Valkyrie Cross

The "Valkyrie Cross" is not directly added to the installation as stand alone. But I see the conclusion of the builds in these flying horses in flames which might help to get "out of the box" of restrictions by Orthodoxy. And if they are there to pick up the fallen heros of the fight against monotony of perfectionism and conformism I am glad too.

CYBER ORTHODOX is open through May.

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEA6/218/180/26


Taking the Fantasy Faire Home

At Fantasy Faire:  Gilded Gate + RFL Graveyard Fence by Atelier Visconti

Every Year I think the Fantasy Faire is over too fast and I do my best to soak the great designs. Even better when you can take some of the great items home. Have you seen this gate? if not, walk up the stairs at Sanctum. Gate and fence are available at the Atelier Visconti store at Sanctum

At FF: Seelie Manor by Cerridwens Cauldron, Woodsy Table Set by Dragon Magick Wares, Caelum Tree green by Forest Feast; Other: Weeping Morning Glory Trees by Heart, Jacaranda Tree by Jubjub Forder
Elicio Ember is selling the wonderful structures of The Faery Court as pre-order, meaning you get them immediately but in a couple of weeks you will receive an updated version. Elicio told me that he likes to add a lot of gadgets like lamps etc. and he had no time to finish the package because of the work for the Faire. But as you can see it is already a gemstone in my garden. It comes in 2 sizes and 2 color themes and many other prefabs for a whole sim design. This is the large version in bright (Seelie Manor). The ornaments are best viewed in Advanced Light model.

At FF: Fountain Octagonal by Atelier Visconti, Bronze Crane Sculptures by MeadowWorks

Entering the manor I felt already like an elven princess.

At FF: Paiva Dress Teal by The Muses, Waverider Crown, Armfins + Tattoo by Spyralle, Skin Candace Ceredil  Gold + Slink Nail Appliers by De La SOUL,  Sprite Eyes Fern by Beautiful Freak; Other:  Mesh Nail Pinga By Pulcino

From both sides of the manor are walk ups to the roof:

At FF: Chloris Dress + High Council Crown by 22769, Dead Matte Lipstick by Beautiful Freak, Plume Grass Green by Forest Feast, Other: Tariqa Necklace by Soedara, mesh nail Pinga by Pulcino

On top  is a huge roof terrace:

At FF: Wysteria Dream Outfit incl. Wings by BMe by Elle, Wrought Iron Patio Set by rayheart

As every year the Fantasy Faire gave me lot's of new styling styling ideas and changed my avatar:

At FF:  Devi Jewels Durga by Sax Sheperd, RFL Forest Treasures Necklace by AZE
Other: Hair Faye by Truth

Make use of this weekend to enjoy the last Weekend of the Fantasy Faire.

This link gives you a vendor overview and links to the sims. Look for Designer and check them sim by sim: http://fantasyfairesl.wordpress.com/designers/


Fashion and Art

Now opening is the Fashionart event. I was curious how art inspired the designers and played a bit around. Besides some hair and accessory all items are exclusives for the event. The quotes and many more about fashion are to be found at the fair location. 

For FA: The Samothrace Dress by Loordes of London
Other: Imperia Hat with Spikes by LODE, Oxford Heels by The Secret Store, PINGA Nails by Pulcino

Elegance is the only beauty that never fades.
                                                                                                                Audrey Hepburn

For FA: Starry Dress by ::N2:: Impressionism Gallery,  FashionArt Nails by Nailed It
Other: Fruitbasket Hat by Grim Bros., Geneve Heel by Miss Cannings,  Bubble Jewelry Set by PM, Pose by Posesion

You never can be overdressed or overeducated.
                                                                                                    Oscar Wilde

Pop Art
For FA: Andy Dress by Sundaara, Kalaoa Sunglasses by Loordes of London, Nails by ZOZ, Pose It's  a Mod, Mod World by Nantra; Other: Angel Heels by ZOZ, Cora hair by Amacci

Elegance is not standing out, but being remembered.
                                                                                                               Giorgio Armani

For FA:  MESH BLACK/WHITE ARTEEST OUTFIT + MESH BLACK BOW TIE NECKLACE by Hollyhood, Pose Kinetic by Nantra; Other: Bowler Hat by Reabat Sporg, Coolie Hair by Wasabi Pills, Classic Vamp Skin by Snow

Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.
                                                                                            Coco Chanel

Ushering in Banality
For FA: Phoebe Panier Dress Religious by Legal Insanity,  Brooke Heels Gold by M&M Incorporated,
Drewleigh Hair by Damselfly; Other: Pose by Posesion

I think it's the responsibility of a designer to try to break rules and barriers.
                                                                                           Giovanni Versace

For FA: Dress Andy by Emporium, Pearl Drop Necklace by Frogstar, From Hell Heels + Nails by ZOZ,
Others: Skai Hair by Truth,  Miss Priss Lipstick by Cheap Makeupm Pose: Posesion

One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art.
                                                                                                                      Oscar Wilde

For FA: Butterfly Storm Dress by KL, Nails by ZOZ
Other: Sumania Crown + Collar by a i s l i n g at Fantasy Faire, Shelly Hair by EMO-tions,  Rainbow Butterfly by LWL. Plume Grass Green by Forest feast at Fantasy Faire, RFL Pose Pose 1 by Musa at Fantasy Faire

Fashionart open through Mai 31st.

Taxi:  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Legal%20Insanity%203/128/129/22