Phewww, hard times for bloggers. Large events are starting this weekend. Today until Sunday runs the second 'Festival der Liebe', which " is a three day event by the German speaking community of Second Life that connects visual artists, musicians, photographers and writers - as well as cultural managers and event organizers. On a half-hour-track visitors are invited to visit different installations - broadcasted to the real world from Second Life." It starts today at 9.30 AM SLT.
Many residents worked for months on the realization of that event, but let me mention especially Zauselina Rieko and Kupeperpunk Korhonen. They made it again to invite quite a few of well known RL writers to get them to readings of their own works in SL. Since the large majority of my readers is not German I just refer to the English Readings which you should not miss:
Saturday at 3PM SLT: Kueperpunk Korhonen is reading 'haptic'
Kueper's cyberpunk stories are always fun to hear!
Sunday at 1 AM SLT: Sharan Bakar/Loquacia Loon ist reading 2 short stories.
Loquacia is English, living in Kuala Lumpur where she teaches writing. Besides reading she will talk about her work in Malaysia.
And here some music highlights:
Pol Arida today, Friday at 10.30 AM SLT Taxi:
Fingersatz Barbosa Saturday at 1.30 PM SLT Taxi:
Ambient music, Saturday at 3.30 PM SLT Taxi:
SaraMarie Philly, Sunday 2 PM SLT Taxi:
Of course there is much more, find here the link to the complete
Fine arts luckily does not need much words, so see here some of the art installations:
Moe Sandalwood |
MadPea provides a whole sim for a collaborative art installation within the festival. The theme is:
Shadow and Light
Asmita Duranjaya |
"Just as last year, a group of artists was invited to create a collaborative piece of art for the "Festival der Liebe". But this time they didn't join forces and worked together on a single piece. Having a whole sim there was room enough for each of them to create their own installation - though they all had to stick to the common theme 'Shadow and Light'."
Moewe Winkler |
The collaborating artists are: Asmita Duranjaya, ChapTer Kronfeld, Harter Fall, Hermine, Lilia Artis, Louly Loon, Moeuhane Sandalwood, Moewe Winkler, Penelope Parx, Roland Teichmann, Samira Mortensen, Xirana Oximoxi.
Lilia Artis |
As you can see from the photos are there many interesting works, but one especially pulled me under its spell. ChapTer Kronfeld used the shadows of rusty nails to write text in the Sand. My graphic card shows shadows partly pixelated, therefore I use a photo taken by ChapTer:
The text means translated: The Silence of the Word is the Light of the Shadows
The Mount of Unwritten Works |
Make sure to have shadows enabled and sound on.
Kafe Krümelkram hosts besides events the following artists: Bryn Oh, Betty Tureaud, Glyph Graves, Lookatmy Back, Ub Yifu, Firlefanz Roxley, Treacle Darlandes, La Baroque and Moewe Winkler. See here some photos:
Bryn Oh |
Betty Tureaud |
Glyph Graves |
Ub Yifu |
Of course there is much more to see, there a much more places to visit. But I think you see that it is worth to have a look at the 'Festival der Liebe' and I must say that I am glad that German culture community came so well to life and cooperation especially in the last year.