
Gallery Hopping

Here a couple of  current exhibitions which one should not miss:

Closer Looks 

Melusina Parkin amazes again with the purity of details. Amazing!

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mexico%20MX/139/60/20


Betty Tureaud's builds are always playful. Watch the moves of the frames...

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Healy/112/31/117

Exhibition Moya

This exhibtion exposes a bit more as usually that Patrick Moya's work is not only pink and funny, but has dark sides too.

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mexico%20MX/226/31/20

La Notte - The Night

Kicca Igaly + Giovanna Cerise are celebrating 4 years of Artemis Gallery with one theme that both inspired to poetic installations.  I always liked the delicate "ghosts" by Kicca Igaly. Is this one at the photo a dream of the sleeping person or a guardian angel? And Giovanna's ist not that clear and structured on 2nd view...

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/RothKo/28/242/21

Control Shift R

A fascinating gid of almost 15.000 prims. The name "Control Shift R" refers to a funstion in the SL viewer which makes the wirefram visible and this installation reminds of a wireframe. But the grid follows  mathematical rules too. Frome the LEA Blog: "This 3D Wireframe Grid - the Isotropic Grid - extends in all directions to Infinity. Find the elevators on the ground that go up and down thru the whole structure."

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEA1/129/123/21


Event Today: Leave Your Hat On!

With only a few days left, it's time to present the final dramatic showing of the Art in Hats displays presented this year. Before you know it, the auction hats will be sold, the artistic photos will be removed and the hats of the event will be forever gone. Come share one last formal presentation of these amazing creations and celebrate the best of art and fashion.

With 80 artists/designers and over 100 hats, this is the largest display of unique and beautiful hats in SL.
Please feel welcome to join us and come see what will make this a fashion presentation, not just a fashion show!

Today at 1 PM SLT  Don't miss it!

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Boutou/94/68/21



As usually Cherry Manga leaves meaning to the visitors in her latest installation "Faith" but on closer look it is obvious that her personal point of view regarding religions is more than critical.

The veil with crown is to be found as dollarbie at ART IN HATS

The Madonna scares with her face tattoos.

The installation is a wild mixture of religious motifs in a spectacular surrounding which leaves the items as they are for many: Just some glorious decoration...

Scatter is wearing: Outfit Professor Plum by Lybra for TMOF, hat JfL/Bravura Boater, glasses GOS
Me: Dress Miss Peacock  for TMOG, The Roses Crown by 22769 for ART IN HATS, Ginger Heels by Miss Canning

Scatters and my outfits by Lybra for "The month of Games" where the perefect match!

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The%20Dark%20Swamp/36/26/28


Tearing Down A Gallery

What I really like with Haveit Neox is that he is always able to make the best use of a given space. Those who know my little gallery shop at Aakriti Arts will recognize the structure of the "Influence Art Gallery", which is very interesting but also dominant.

Haveit dares to tear down the building to tell his story and as always it works and moves the visitors. In Haveit's words:

Because it is profitable.
I can do what I wish with what is mine.

Because it is profitable.
I can do what I wish with what is mine.

My outfit is the beeautiful Lady Fatale by Sonatta Morales for TMOG

What he is mentioning here is the tragedy of Christianism as well as all cultures with monotheistic religions - the wrong thinking of owning mother earth instead of acting as guests. The future will show if mankind is able to change fast enough...

Opening today at 1 PM SLT feat. DJ Jim Perhaps

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Koala%20dAlliez/30/214/30


A Hot Day

You may be aware that I did not blog a lot the last few weeks. Apart from ART IN HATS there was holiday season and some exciting changes in RL but everything is going back to normal now. So, imagine today is one of the few extremely hot days in Germany. Too hot to go out. We closed all doors and windows. As most Germans I have no Air-Con as it is useless for the handful of really hot days here. I am sitting, sweating and thinking this Sunday afternoon is the perfect time for a blog post as I am sooo behind. Besides the hard working fan of the computer the only sound is of one of these awful fat flies that you only hear at these days.

And do you know what? When I arrived at MetaLES to visit RomyNayar's latest installation "El Laberinti Perdito" (The Lost Labyrinth) I exactly heard that fly sound first! A good start to visit a scary place. At the entrance is a warning: "If you decide to delve into the Lost Labyrinth, your deepest fears and defects will take your control . You will live them again and again and again and...again...
No one has gotten out ..."

Now it became dark in RL too and I still found no way out, but stumbled over many small, scary installations with some surprises....The fat fly is not the only nightmare.

My beautiful outfit is creatd by Lyrical Bizarre for "The Month of Games" which I am going to blog tomorrow

Highly recommended! Make sure to hear local sound and to click all.

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/MetaLES/245/249/24


Two Magazine Articles

Desireme Fallen made an interview with me for the ModelS Magazine No. 15 about ART IN HATS and more. Enjoy on page 88 to 95:

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Thank you, Desireme!

For the latest issue of the German UpToDate Magazine I wrote an article about ART I HATS myself. My second article is an interview with Natascha Randt. The whole magazine is worth to have a look!

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Taxi to ART IN HATS: sadly gone


Bollywood Party Today!

The legendary Bollywood Parties at Art India are missed by many, as well as by DJ Sunshine Szavanna me.

We where thinking that ART IN HATS is a good reason to have another Bollywood event. So come as Indian Prince or Princess, as hippie or come as you are and get caught by the exotic and relaxing tunes of DJ Sunshine!.

Bollywood Party, Today at 1 PM SLT!

Taxi:  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Boutou/95/67/21


Two Life Events Today


1 PM : Ceci Dover

2 PM Starrfish Ohmai 

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Boutou/80/65/22

2 PM Ultraviolet Alter at CO2+2

Betty Tureaud about her latest installation: My art installation is about 2 major problems 
we have to face now and in the future.
And Ultra's live concerts are a class on it's own.

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Danish%20Visions/180/217/930

SL Machinima Won Prizes

Rysan Fall: "I'm very excited and honored to win two separate prizes in the "Project Homeless" film contest in Australia. My film "The Invisible City" won first place in the machinima competition and 3rd place in the mainstream competition. I am proud to be part of this very worthwhile and meaningful film contest."

The machinima is touching and though provoking. Congrats, Rysan!

See here the entries of the other price winners: http://uwainsl.blogspot.com.au/2014/07/rysan-breaks-through-for-machinima.html

Let me add some more news in machinima. Hypathia Pickens created a dark fairytale: "The Tale of  Machaire and Canace"  Written by John Gower, the tale is based upon Canace's farewell letter to her brother Macareus in Ovid's "Heroides", where Canace recounts her plight: she fell in love with her brother and had a child by him. Her brother fled, and her father Æolus, full of wrath when he learned about her pregnancy, ordered her to kill herself and the child to be taken to the woods.

Wizardoz Chrome made a machinima based in 10 stories written in Italian by 10 artists in Second Life about cases found in an asylum. The title means translated "....Like A Travel"

The cases has been owned by people who where hospitalized in the Willard Asylum in New York during the first half of the last century. Many of them never left the asylum until they passed away and the cases has been stored. More in this video:

Asylum suitcase Kickstarter project from Peter Carroll on Vimeo.

Here photos of all cases: http://willardsuitcases.photoshelter.com/gallery-list

To bad that the stories written for SL aren't translated. It is a great project.

The Asylum where Wizardoz filmed er machinima is Linden property and can be visited here:  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/South%20Channel/169/233/27


Big Event at Art in Hats Today!

4th Year Feed a Smile Birthday

Art in Hats is not just Hats. You can be invited to some djsets, lives performances, show, and some other things.

But also, you can help some children in Kenya with Feed A Smile.
You can find here some informations about the charity auction and Feed a Smile :

Feed a Smile in Second Life is celebrating its 4th anniversary. To celebrate it, Feed a Smile organizes an intergrid event!
Feed a Smile Facebook page for more informations :

And... we are proud to invite you to take part on it!

When? What? How?

Wednesday July 9

12 PM : DJ Bcreative Wilde

1 PM : DD (deceptionsdigital)

2 PM : Steely Decosta

3 PM : Samm Qendra

All the tips will be given to Feed a Smile

Taxi : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Boutou/80/65/22