
Gallery Hopping: Fractals and more

Gem Preiz: Temples

It is a while now that  first met Gem Preiz. He told me that he works with Fractals and each time I saw his images, they have been better and better. But what he presents now is that outstanding, that one hardly can believe to see fractals. Plus, the "Temples" are presented in a way, that one could call staged and gives the works the desired room to shine. Excellent in every perspective!

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Zuma%20Beach/49/45/51

Mistero Hifeng @ Nitroglobus

I think I am a bit late to blog, maybe the exhibition will close soon, but don't miss the latest works by Mistero Hifeng. They are combined with scultures by gallery owner Nitro Fireguard which should be watched on with shadows eneabled.

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Costa%20Blanco/174/95/770

Kicca Igaly + Nessuno Myoo @ Aneli's Gallery

This is the first time that Nessuno and Kicca are exhibiting that much RL works.Interesting to see. But the highlight is for me their tribute to Maria Montessori and her Children's House.

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Stellar/215/165/22



Even if I have seen many brilliant outcomes of creativity in SL, there are still a lot of moments that make me a goose skin. Visiting MEDIAMORPHOSIS definitely was one of them.

Thoth Jantzen created a space with intriguing sounds and optical effects, which are to be explored in different ways. After walking the tunnel (make sure to have media enabled, draw distance on more than 250 and sun at Midnight), you land in a familiar looking Hopper rebuilt, but... it is not just a bar. It is a wormhole to another dimension.

My recommendation is to use first the TP system to visit the different builds, walking through them to enjoy the immersion by the optical effects. I saw contributions by different artists and subject to change as I found in the note card. The sounds are simply wonderful with the images.

Then it is time for a drink at the bar in Hopper build (find out how to get in). Have seat at the bar and hit twice the ESC button. How did Confucius say? "The superior man sees without looking out of the window and travels without stepping out of the door."

You will love it too!

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ars%20Simulacra/165/128/1772


Music Box for Children - Results

The Charity Sale "Music Box for Children" has officially ended. Let me take this chance to thank Trill Zapatero for creating the landscape and Arduenn Schwartzman, Betty Tureaud, Bryn Oh, Eliza Wierwight ,chefkoch, Eupalinos Ugajin, Giovanna Cerise, Haveit Neox, Igor Ballyhoo, Josiane Sorciere,  Linus Humphreys, Lorin Tone, Melusina Parkin, Pallina60 Loon,  Pol Jarvinen, SaveMe Oh, Secret Rage, Shari Davies, Sir Real, Rebeca Bashly, Rose Borchovski/Caer  Balogh, and Ub Yifu.  for their creativity and contributions.  And thanks to Art India Gallery owner Veekay Navarathna for his generous hosting. We have been able collect  115.431 Linden. Big thanks to all buyers and donors. In case you are interested, follow this link to see the account record. Veekay lives in India and will pass the donation directly to SOS Children.

It was huge fun to walk trough the installation and to play with the sounds. And it is also fun to find the works of Rose Borchovski and EupalinosUgajin in their current exhibitions.

If you missed to purchase your favorite pieces you still can get them  until Friday, when they will be taken down. Many thanks again to all artists and hope you don't mind that I might have the most fun with the wonderful works :)

Taxi: http://quanlavender.blogspot.de/p/music-box-documentation_9864.html

Art India Gallery will host a new exhibition starting from next weekend. To be announced here!


Leonard Cohen in Images

Leonard Cohen's songs and lyrics are real classics. More than 20 Sl artists transferred them to images. In the installation you find at the side of each works the lyrics that inspired the artist.
                                                                                      by Harbour Galaxy
Besides one of the owner and curator Morgana Nagorski, you can find works by Aelin Quan, Acacia Merlin, Amona Savira, Burk Bode, Callipygian Christensen, Cat Boccacio, Corinne Helendale, Dantelicia Ethaniel, Dixmix Source, Harbor Galaxy, Jessica Belme, Kato Salyut, Kira Westland, Lily Laufer, Maloe Vansant, Meilo Minotau, Petra Messioptra, Ronda Saunders, Sare Ethaniel, and Skip Stahel.

Two openings at Saturday, January 26, 6-8 PM SLT + Sunday, January 27, 10-12 PM SLT


Immersion in Sounds: Topophonia

Four artists, Oberon Onmura, Eupalinos Ugajin, Maya Paris and Alpha Auer created installations with sounds.

Oberon about the project: "My idea for this residency was to ask 3 fellow artists each to create an artwork all using the same concept. I would also create my own version. (Although, my version shouldn't be thought of as 'definitive'.) The concept is simple: use **sounds only** to guide an avatar around a build. I asked them to avoid providing visual cues for avatars to use in reaching whatever kind of goals the artists envisioned.

You will find four completely different pieces, four totally different visions of what that initial concept suggested. To me, the fact that our four versions are so different is tremendously exciting. It is further proof that the artist's mind is unlimited in its ability to make sense of the world, and to convey that sense to others.

Please be sure to visit all four installations. You will find TP kiosks on each level, and on the ground if you should somehow end up there. Have fun!"

Let me add that Maya provides a crazy fun outfit and Alpha a beautiful avatar with male and female skin, which I pimped a  bit. Not alone with those, with all installations I had lots of fun. The sounds urged me to explore a bit slower as usual. Especialyl Oberon's work drove me mad at the beginning until I checked how to get through. Brilliant! You should not miss!

Meet the artists today. Sunday at 1 PM SLT!

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/HUMlab/90/193/351


Sneak Preview: SkyDance V

The Sky Dancers have a long history in Second Life. Founded in 2006, the shows of the team around Dancoyote Antonelli has been supported over the years by contributions of many well known artists in SL.

“Sky Dance V – Innocence End” is completely new designed and different from any other show in Second Life. The dancers wear huge attachments, which make them look like huge butterflies to me. I had the chance to see the last  rehearsal and have been really amazed. The choreography is not animated. All has been worked out in countless hours of rehearsal.

The show is narrative under the participation of the audience which determines the outcome of the storyline. In many ways it is unlike all others shows I ever have seen in SL and really recommend visiting it.

Shows will be each Wednesday at 7 PM SLT starting from January 30.
Seats are strictly limited to reduce lag. Please contact SkyBank Alter or Unbelievable Destiny for reservation!

Do not miss it!



Dear readers, since I really would love to become rich and famous like Oprah, I herewith announce the upcoming interview with SaveMe Oh  in occasion of the performance at her 6th rezday. Thank you for understanding and I hope it helps (me).

See more "Masterpieces" at Pinterest
Here my chat with SaveMe a while ago:

Quan Lavender: what do you think if I make an interview with you for the blog
SaveMe Oh: It could be the best idea you had since long
SaveMe Oh: will rocket you for sure to the number one position of famous bloggers
Quan Lavender: haha, possible
Quan Lavender: Many don't understand you and they don't understand why I don't hate you against the mainstream
SaveMe Oh: And you think that your questions would solve that problem?
Quan Lavender: honestly no... but I am an optimist
SaveMe Oh: thats good,  there should always be some hope
Quan Lavender: I agree! Do you have any plans for works in the near future that we can combine it?
SaveMe Oh: I will do a performance for my rezday 23 february
Quan Lavender: ah, thats a great date for it
SaveMe Oh: you can already start announcing the big SaveMe Oh interview, just like Oprah does with Lance Armstrong
SaveMe Oh: You will become a celebrity
Quan Lavender: she did? I will google that
Quan Lavender: if it makes me rich like her, its ok
SaveMe Oh: we share the wealth, and I will take you to South America
Quan Lavender: deal! ^^
SaveMe Oh: I want every week an announchment
SaveMe Oh: starting from 23 january
Quan Lavender: my blog is no marketing platform
SaveMe Oh: no, but an artblog
SaveMe Oh: an those announments are part of the art
SaveMe Oh: not a marketing tool
SaveMe Oh: as I am the artwork
Quan Lavender: but the blog is no art
SaveMe Oh: When I am in it it becomes art
Quan Lavender: It's worth a try  *lol
SaveMe Oh: ...and as you don't have anything better to do...
Quan Lavender: sure


Great Project: Artists for SL + The beauty of Avatars

Jim Slater (jimslater75) is RL photographer and started a really interesting project. From his note card:

"This is a sim dedicated to all passionate artists to come and learn, share, inspire and be inspired.

Some of the great opportunities offered here will be:

*   Mini-galleries for artists to express and expose their work
*   Communal Studio's, sets and props
*   Discussion areas for learning from others, and assisting others.
*   Location, Urban and Creative locations for shoots"

The acceptance and result is more than impressive. When I talked to Jim some days ago, already 98 artists, mainly photgraphers, used the chance to exhibit! Almost daily are coming more. Not only the number of artists is impressive, even more the fact that it truly represents the high level of SL photography and digital art nowadays.

When I took the photos for the blog I realized, that most images show avatars. I was looking for still lives or landscapes, which sell surprising good in Second Live (for virtual homes and other structures). But I found just a few. Artists should take this as recommendation to look for other motifs too in order to raise the sales.

But it was a learning for me too. That, what makes Second Life really unique is the beauty and endless variety of avatars! Avatars are obviously a deep source of inspiration for artists in SL.
Opensim never can beat this!

I know, why I stay in SL.

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rainbow%20Park%20Island/120/127/1016


AVENUE January: Rose Borchovski

Today came AVENUE January out. Among many interesting articles and great images you find an interview with Rose Borchovski. It gives insights in her artistic work RL and SL and of course her current installation 'The Arrival':

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Two Performances Today

2 PM: Betty Tureaud + Ultraviolet Alter

Betty Tureaud takes us this time to the back side of the moon with a concert
of composer Ultraviolet Alter.

The Back side of the Moon is the first installation an art concept series called Art Planets 2013.

Live performance today, Friday January 18th @ 2 PM SLT
Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LaVista%20del%20Mar/190/76/3101

3 PM: Fae Varriale + Dancers

From the invitation: "DiversionzDance was created by Fae Varriale as a vehicle for marrying a love of contemporary dance with a love of creating immersive artwork,  and brings her first performance piece to her Danse Macabre installation at LEA26

Electronic Performers" is a 25 minute performance that is a weaving of movement, light and music with choreography, environment design and costume realization by Fae. She is joined by dancers Deadly Deed (dancer with Independent Ballet) & Dubhna Rhiadra (founder & director of Independent Ballet, dancer with Ballet Pixelle).

With the same haunting imagery and stunning attention to detail as she shows in her art, Fae draws you into a highly personal world from the first note of the music."

Life performance today, Friday 18th @ 3 PM SLT


Gallery Hopping: Fuschia Nightfire + Giovanna Cerise

1. Outlined

The installation 'Winter Outlined' by Fuschia Nightfire is art installation and skating fun too. This is an interactive installation, with a free outline avatar that you can wear to skate on the frozen water alongside the sculptured figures.

In the gallery are nice wintery 3D wall panels.

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Blue%20Curacao/174/77/21

2. Animated 

Giovanna Cerise presents in Artemis Gallery works with interesting aimated textures.

Giovanna Cerise @ Artemis Gallery

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/RothKo/31/213/21


Gallery Hopping: Charity and an Opening Today!

The ARTC Art House

Who doesn't love a house full of art? This house is built by Winter Nightfire and filled with nice furniture and great art. With a bit luck you can be the owner of all by entering the draw with 250 Linden. You will be immediately rewarded with an artwork. Three of the donors will win the house with all content. All proceed are donated to ARTC.

"ARTC is an amazing RL program run by SL residents which helps children with substance abuse issues use creativity to learn to express themselves in positive ways, building a foundation for a successful life free of drugs and alcohol. ARTC has used the virtual world to showcase the kids' RL artwork, which deals with some very serious topics.  You can read more about the program here: http://www.pfh.org/artc/."

Contributing artists: Gwen Carrilon, Trill Zapatero, Luciella Lutrova, Fuschia Nightfire, Nina Camplin, Aruba De Cuir, Nathan Babcock, Samara Furse-Barzane, Rik Zwiers, Alba2 Rossini, Pitsch Parx, Zinnia Zauber, Cat Boccaccio, Coughran Mayo, Milly Sharple, Dixmix Source, Erynlight, LeMelonRouge, Timomachos Pegasi, Tallulah Winterwolf, and Winter Nightfire.

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Eastern%20Spell/14/163/21

Steven Venkman: PAST - PRESENT - FUTURE

The works in the gallery of the beautiful Patron sim, hosted and created by Eliza Wierwight are a special experience. Not to miss!

Opening  today at 2 PM SLT!
Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Patron/195/40/24

Nordan Art - Dramatic End Before it Began

Yesterday I was so swamped with IM about the Nordan drama that I had to log out. I decided therefore, to post what happened the last days at Nordan. Especially when a friend asked me: "Is William Weaver an asshole?", I felt it was high time for clarification as far as I can do from my side.

It must have been around September when the art world in SL heard good news about the reopening of Nordan Art, which disappeared suddenly and unexpected at the beginning of 2012 and has been missed since then. Flora Nordenskiold, owner and curator has chosen William Weaver (paperwork Resident) as builder of the new gallery.

I met William first in July last year, was immediately hooked by the outstanding quality of his SL photography and was lucky enough to have him as one of the two artists in my very first exhibition as curator at Art India Gallery. We became immediately friends. He is a humble, extremely talented person of outstanding generosity. He always gave support, advise (if requested) and his works for free. Many of you should know, that the Firestorm Phototools has been written by him. To me, his enormous productivity seems to be driven by a lot of passion and love for others and Second Life. He never took any money.

But back to the case. From beginning of October until end of December William worked day and night at the Nordan buildings. Not only to build. A lot of consideration has been included too. Regularly he talked to me and sent me invitations to see and discuss the progress of the work as he did with other friends. The whole assemble of buildings has been placed and built based on mathematical principles, the textures has been chosen carefully and William built everything for the best visitors experience, considering the camera position and avatar movement in SL, and, and, and...

At the beginning we discussed as well the function of a gallery in Second Life. I made him aware of the ongoing discussion about the necessity of virtual walls, the role of 3D art and immersion. But William and most of his closest friends are 2D artists in SL and with the progress of the builds I saw that they are solely meant for 2D art and maybe small sculptures. Honestly I was a bit surprised that the whole sim has been covered with structures in a way that would not allow larger 3D installations. But the arrangement of builds has been so genius,  so breathtaking, that I was simply fascinated.

The next surprise to me was the announcement of the scheduled opening on January 12. (yesterday) with a artist line up of 2D and 3D artists. William took a break from SL for a while. The last months of building has been exhausting for him and the logged back last Thursday to see the already placed works, besides one artist who did not show up. William sent me an IM that he was shocked and extremely unhappy with the installed art, especially the works of one artist and asked me to come. We went through the exhibtion and he said: "I have not built this place for works like that." I spent many hours with him, making him aware of the needs of the other artists and to find a way of compromising for him. Honestly, I suspect that the invited 3D artists hasn't been happy either with the places they found to show up. At the end William calmed down and planned to contact the owner and curator Flora to find a compromise about the works of one special artist and accepting the rest.

The next day I logged in and got immediately a TP to Nordan by William. I found him and his team making a decision. I was told that William's doubts not only has not been heard, upon on that another 3D artist had been invited to replace the one who did not appear and worked already, covering the whole walls (don't get me wrong, I looove the works of this artist a lot and I know, that the art needs a special surrounding.). To William this was another hurting disrespect of his vision and he was on the way to take the Breakwave Building down. The team prepared a statement for the worst case, which I copy for you here:

The Breakwave Building

"Hello everyone, we hope this message finds you all well.

In the past few days, after a brief break from Second Life William returned to find preparations at the Nordan sim for the upcoming opening to take place on Saturday January 12.

While looking around the whole sim, we have noticed the work being set up for this event, and in many cases, it is our opinion that the work displayed does not suit the objective with which the builds were made. This is the case more than any other with the Breakwave Building, this build relies greatly on its layout and the textures which where carefully chosen and placed around it.

In what we have been able to see, we have noticed not only a lack of cohesion with the work displayed in the build, but also set ups where the build itself and its textures are covered so it would be the same to have them in any other structure.

It is for the reasons previously displayed, as well as others, that after careful consideration we have made the decision to remove this build from the sim, we apologize for the inconveniences this might create for those involved, and we can assure you we mean no personal offense to anyone with these actions.

Best regards to all,

paperwork team"

Btw., the team is, besides William Weaver, Lo (dolliehaze Residen)t, Thalia Heckroth and Petra Messioptra.

William logged out, exhausted, deeply hurted and sad, but authorized his team to find a solution that could be suitable for all. He was still open to compromise. As I already said, he is a very humble person. The team started to link and pack the Breakwave Building when Flora appeared and sent all back, the builds and the art. As far as I was told by his team, she was not open to talk. The Nordan blog is deleted.

The Breakwave Building
 So far to the facts.

What is the function of a built gallery in Second Life? Please spare me the talk, if virtual concrete walls are needed or not. That has been discussed often and is not the subject here, because in this case the decision has been made to have them. If you decide to have a structure as gallery, there are two ways of function: Either as shelf which should be covered to give the art the needed environment or you create a space to embrace the art. As I already mentioned, yesterday I was wrapped up in discussions about the case as soon as I logged in and I heard too: "Who cares about the gallery, it is the art that counts." I highly disagree with that point of view. The often ugly and cheap looking galleries are a pain for me and an insulting of the displayed art to my opinion.

Lets talk now about the role of a curator. A curator has the job to create a vision of an exhibition  make a choice of artists that would fit and to inspire the chosen artists to share and follow this vision. In the progress of the work, the curator has to make sure giving the artists a working space that enables them to work without conflicting with the others. And from that perspective the dramatic end of Nordan Art before it really began, is clearly a curator's mistake. I don't know about the curator's vision, but I saw that William Weaver had a strong vision of an ensemble of buildings for contemporary art as a RL model. It does not count if you, dear reader, or me are sharing this vision. It only counts that the curator let an artist following it for months and violated it then with the chosen displaying artists, which made those probably unhappy too and brought all in a unpleasant situation.

It is so sad, because I wished that all of you had the chance to see the buildings which are simply breathtaking. I hope, that one day they will be displayed again together with works, the structures has been meant for. And I hope too, that all artists find soon other places for their works.

The worse off all is that William Weaver decided to leave SL and as far as I heard, Flora Nordenskiold too. That is a great loss and I hope that both rethink it, when they calmed down after this disaster. Both are still needed and would be very much missed!

The photos are taken by me, but if you want to see really good photos of the builds, visit William's Flickr.

Taxi: No taxi today :(