
Home and Garden Expo: My Paradise....

..and my evil neighbor, or "L'enfer c'est les autres"

Hope Cottage -  Dorian Designs,
 Grape Vine Trellis - Light -  [DDD] - *Country* Bench Flower Garden - Dreamscapes Gallery,
Flowerpot Bird Bath Painted Pots - R(S)W , old rose which accompanies purple - Forest Feast
Old Shade Tree - Roawenwood, sweet memory tree - Forest Feast, flagstone pavers - [ba] barnesworth anubis
1 Prim Purple Flower Patch + 1 Prim Pink Flower Patch - Persnickity

Fountain Octagonal - Atelier Visconti,  Crumbling Rock Wall - ~*~ Inspired ~*~
Sylvains A Green_Red - Forest Feast, Very long field of Plants - Tulips - Steaming Ahead

You may have seen that I did not post the last days. The "Art in Hats and Hats in Art" event starts to keep me busy. As soon I log in I get IM, see wonderful hat creations and help to find the right photographer. It is already much fun.

But another reason was the Home and Garden Expo, which offers unlimited ideas and I fell especially in love with the Hope Cottage and Swing by Dorian. It immediately reminded me of the novels by Rosamunde Pilcher. I always imagined the English cottages in her stories as romantic as this one. In my mind I started to furnish the cottage. Since the deserved 300 prims has not been free on my land, I rented another one to create a paradise of romance and harmony...

Sideboard Bianca Kitchen Work Island RFL Special - Katy's Kreations
Cat Coat Wrack CLock - NACH,
 *Fleur* Flower Pot - Dreamscapes Gallery (Part of the RFL hunt gift) 

*pyramid song (piano) - *ionic*, Stone Wall Sconce - NACH ,  Epoque Carpet with HUD - Atelier Visconti
*Charlotte* Daybed Lilac + *Charlotte* Table Lilac Bird, + *Charlotte* Pouffe Pink - Dreamscape Gallery

amp-pillows seat - *ionic*,  Hutch color change - Dekute Dekore
 Epoque Floor Clock - Atelier Visconti

 in rainbows table and chairs - *ionic*,
Epoque Wall Shelf Unit + Epoque Jam Jars - Atelier Visconti
...but the harmony not even lasted for the building period. I got an IM from my neighbor at the back and I felt immediately transported into one of those reality - shows in documentary style where ugly, unimportant people like you and me are exposing their little, unimportant dramas for others to laugh about. So have here your daily soap:

Alison Bed White2 - *ionic*, bennie small chest white - Second Spaces
Epoque Sofa + Ottoman - Atelier Visconti
Epoque Sofa  with color change HUD - Atelier Visconti
waisted white roses cabinet - *ionic*
Evil Neighbor: hello
Quan Lavender: hello
Evil Neighbor: your tree exceeds on my property, remove your tree of my land
Quan Lavender: the tree is on my land (I needed the trees to cover the ugly property of Evil Neighbor)
Evil Neighbor: you can see that far exceeds your tree on my property
Quan Lavender: I will remove soon anyway. I do a photo setting for Home and Garden Expo goods for my blog.. I am done tonight
Evil Neighbor: ok if you want to do so I'll have it done by the owner of the sim
Quan Lavender: you can derender
Evil Neighbor: you have no right to exceed the other land and disturb other tenants
Quan Lavender: I disturb nobody, it is just a tree
Evil Neighbor: I'm not coming with you exceed my objects, so respect what I say. you bother me, when you exceed your items home
Quan Lavender: and again, I am doing a photo session now and I am done in a few hours anyway. I had to derender your ugly tree too, it made all pink here. 
Evil Neighbor: My tree does not exceed on your land
Quan Lavender: but the ugly pink light
Evil Neighbor: I asked you to remove your tree beyond my land, you do not want to respect this?, I do know of any way to the owner of the sim, I have no object beyond on your land, and what I have on my site that is not on your land than you can look in any case, with light or not?, this is my deco, you can put whatever you want with you but you must not exceed home. Now if you do not want to respect what I ask you, you're stupid and you will care about me, and you do not respect me

messy bookshelf - Second Spaces,
Lounger Side Table Light Wood +  Decorative Art Books +  Wood Ducks - 22769 ~ [bauwerk]

Waist Bins - 22769 ~ [bauwerk] , Gardener Table Set - Dreamscape Gallery,
Wild Rose purple + Sweet Memory Tree - Forest Feast, Garden Cafe Table and Chair Set - {what next}

And Evil Neighbor reported to the sim owner who was much nicer to me. I am really glad that I rented this place just for a week to take this photos. I am sure I would need an excellent advocate in autumn otherwise. Imagine what would happen when the leaves are falling from the trees!

Wild Canary and Chick in Nest animated - The Forest™
Sweet pea violet - Forest Feast

The most pious man can't stay in peace
If it doesn't please his evil neighbor.
(taken from F. Schiller: Wilhelm Tell)

Dress and necklace by AlaFolie and hat by Gos

Paradises are never real or just temporary, even in SL. But we can dream of them in beautiful builds. A big thank you to all designers. You make our daily life nicer. Enjoy the Home and Garden Expo!

Taxi to Home and Garden Expo: 
Home Expo 1:

Home Expo 2:

Home Expo 3:

Home Expo 4:

Home Expo 5:

Home Expo 6:

Home Expo 7:

Home Expo 8:

Home Expo 9:


Sneak Preview: Love and Other Bruises

Everyone who enters Second Life is surprised ho intense we feel others, although we just have words and the avatar. I personally think that we even enhance that ability when we are open for it. It is not surprising that we always are in danger to fall on stronger emotions with others, if not in love. But we always have to have in mind that the avatars is an idealized self of the others plus the restricted ways of communication give us in the other person a projection screen of our own dreams. Sooner or later the hero(ine) shows the true face and falls from the pedestal we once placed him/her.

But if friendship or more,  of course I experienced like everyone else the bad and deeply hurting sides of this "game". Starting from lies and betrayal over different expectations to losses due to real life reasons. And, you all know that too, the worse is that you can't talk about your feelings to anyone in real as all world is already convinced that you must have a screw lose with your childish playing with pixel dolls, right? Only other residents have an ear for us and can understand when we are sitting in a corner licking our wounds.

It was a brilliant idea of Morgana Nagorski to curate and exhibition with that theme. The artist line up is  really impressive: Amona Savira, Annie Klavinham, Belba, Burk Bode, Corinne Helendale, Dantelicia Ethaniel, Harbor Galaxy, Isa Messioptra, Kato Salyut, Leeleu Lemondrop, Maloe Vansant, Morgana Nagorski, Miuccia Klaar, paola Mills, sare Ethaniel, Senna Coronet, Stephen Venkman ,Tess Falworth , Whiskey Monday, Zandy Oh.

Opening events 
6-8 PM SLT Saturday 25 May + 10 AM-12 PM Sunday 26 May.

Open until July 21st,

Taxi:  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gardenia%20Islands/113/76/2501


Opening Today: Danger in Evolution Reloaded

Even if you have seen the LEA installation of Kicca Igaly and nessuno Myoo you should not miss the reopening at Inspiritum Gallery. The artists have changed the work and added some media with information. Make sure to have media enabled.

Opening today, Friday 24th at 2 PM SLT with Viviana Houston in concert.

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Inspiritum/149/142/2002



The next RFL event you should not miss is ready to open. or in the fair blog.

Here the landmarks:
Home Expo 1: Sponsored By: Roawenwood:

Home Expo 2: Sponsored By: Cheeky Pea:

Home Expo 3: Sponsored By: Park Place Home Décor:

Home Expo 4: Sponsored By: Stonewood Homes:

Home Expo 5: Sponsored By: Galland Homes:

Home Expo 6: Sponsored By: Prim Perfect Magazine:

Home Expo 7: Sponsored By: PRIME:

Home Expo 8: Sponsored By: Home & Garden Market:

Home Expo 8: Sponsored By: Wonderful World of Meeroos:


Shopping Mall

The most beautiful and maybe most expensive shopping mall I ever saw is the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Milano. It was designed 1861 by Giuseppe Mengoni and built 1865 to 1877. A great idea to have a rebuild as shop in SL. You can explore the sim with a rusty airship. Just jump in by the side of the train station.

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dominus/22/125/22

The Drax Files Part 6: Abranimations

Interesting as always. This time how animations are done:


Gallery Hopping

Today I have 2 recommendations for you, both are great bloggers exhibiting inworld:

Nurnude @ Nitroglobus

Usually I find nudes of avatars unsexy and boring. Just the best are able to take images with say something - as Nur Moo! The installation is worth a closer look. You should check her blog Vintage Metaverso too.

Opening party May 20th!
Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Costa%20Blanco/189/112/771

E-scapes @ Kelly Yap Art Gallery

Another great blogger shows a choice of her photos: Whiskey Monday. Her works are special as Whiskey creates her own settings. She is a writer RL and her images always tell a very personal story too. I highly recommend her blog Whiskey Shots.

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife//130/21/119


AVENUE May: East Meets West and Dryland

This issue will be one of my alltime favourites of AVENUE as the theme "East Meests West" is close to me. I study Ancient Chinese Metaphysics (BaZi, Feng Shui, Yi Jing, Miang Xiang, Xuan Kong and now also TCM) for many years now and was countless times in Asia. RL I look totally European and Second Life gave me the chance to see how it feels to look Asian. Now you know why I am Quan.

To my Western readers: Don't you think that all Asians look the same? But do you know that Asians think the same of us? I learnt from my Chinese friends that their focus  in seeing another person is different from ours, they look a lot to the expression of a face.

And what I learnt too is that both cultures have their good and their bad sides. That they grow together in a smaller world is a chance for both sides. In medicine it is ridiculus to cure a broken leg with Acupuncture and herbes and the Chinese give Western medicine the same importance as their Traditional, but for many chronic diseases only TCM has answers and cures. Young doctors in China study both. During my Feng Shui travels in China with my teacher I studied more than 1.000 years of Chinese architecture and art together with landscape. Always the same structures and motifs are the effects of a static society without progression. And despite the revolution there a still many behaviors, I think, which don't fit in a modern world like the overly obedience to superiors. The Western world shows that the other way allows much faster progress. In BaZi (Astrology) I learnt from my Indian and older Chinese friends, that a given marriage can be happy too, but not to be able to be divorced can be hell on earth. One day in a BaZi class our teacher asked us about our feeling how many marriages are unhappy. The Westerners believed 60% to 70%, the Asians said over 90%.

Currently the Asians learn faster I think while the Westerners stuck more in fears. But one thing can't grow together...my roundish Western shape never would look that beautiful in a Qipao like an Asian. And if you happen to travel in Asia, never go shopping clothes if you don't want to ruin your self confidence! It is really a shame to be urged in Asia to buy sizze xxl, if that even is large enough :( 

Therefore I am happy to have Quan!

But now to my article: Dryland is a real succes story in SL. It already had more than 50.000 visitors. Owner Anita Witt told me that she never dreamed of so much attention. Anita is photographer RL. I talked with her about photography in both worlds and how it influences her. Ziki Questi took great photos for the article.

Find the article on page 264:

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Find here my post about the current exhibtion at Dryland: http://quanlavender.blogspot.de/2013/05/sneak-preview-water-and-dryland.html


Application Deadlines in May

This month are ending several application deadlines for event participation in Second Life:

May 20th: SL10B

SL10B, the celebration of the 10th birthday of Second Life is running from June 16th to June 23rd.
Last year the Second Life community proved that she is able to run this large event successful after the sudden step back of Linden Lab.This year was much more time for preparation and I am sure that this will be again one of the most important events of the year.
May 20th ist the last days for applications as exhibitor presenterperformer or volunteer.

May 30th: Reflections: The UWA Centenary 3D Art Challenge

This is the 4th of the UWA Grand Art Challenges with a L$600,000 prize pool. A quick summary. One artwork per artist. 150 prims max to the theme REFLECTIONS. Submit entries here at the UWA main gallery. The earlier the work is submitted, the greater the chance for the artwork to feature in one of the Machinima for MachinimUWA VI, which will launch on the 1st of March with the same theme. Entries will go on display immediately! The sooner the works are in, the longer they are on display.
This is a single round only lasting 4 months, 1st Feb 2013 - 30th May 2013. The biggest difference between this and previous major art challenges is that unlike the first 3, this one has a theme.

The theme is "REFLECTIONS"
This art challenge in OPEN TO EVERYONE. The theme is REFLECTIONS with a 150 prim limit per artwork, and limited to ONE ENTRY PER ARTIST.

36 artworks entered and now on display so far! Do visit the UWA Challenge Gallery to view them. CLICK HERE TO TELEPORT TO GALLERY!

Read more in the UWA blog.

P.S.: The deadline for REFLECTIONS - MachinimUWA VI with L$1.1Mil in Prizes is June 30th.

June 1st: Art in Hats and Hats in Art
Taken by Annough Lykin

Art India Gallery in Cooperation with Allure Inc. Fashion Agency are planning a joint art / fashion event.

Art and fashion meet in hats. Good hats are art to wear and subsequently many artists love to create fantastic hats. Fashion designers often show an explosion of creativity in hats. Hats turn to fashion with the styling. 

The basic idea of the exhibition is to present hats built by artists and fashion designers together with photos. In the photos is shown a small story around the hat. More details below.

Artists, fashion designers, builders are invited to submit their hat creations. Fashion- and art-photographers are invited to submit their scenery taken with a hat. The works can be created and taken by the same person or they apply as designer/photographer-team. There is no submission or participation fee. 

Exhibition/Sale will be open from June 7th until July 21st.

Taken by Falbala Fairey

Each builder/designer/artist can submit up to 3 works. At least one of them should be a new creation which is exclusively available at the event. The price will be defined by the creator and they are sold with a split profit script. 70% for the creator, 20% for the gallery and 10% for the costs of the event organizers. In case the designer does not wish to sell, the hats can be provided as freebies. After the event finished, the creations are free for own sale.

It is mandatory that each exhibited hat has at least one image. We will organize a combination of photographer and designer. however you are free to drop us a wish, or to make a team with the photographer and to apply as a team.

Taken by Kynne Llewellyn

Each photographer can submit up to 3 works. The photos shall tell a little story. Simple sale shots will not be accepted. The images are exclusively available at the event. The price will be defined by the creator and they are sold with a split profit script. 70% for the creator, 20% for the gallery owner and 10% for the costs of the event organizers. In case the photographer does not wish to sell, the images can be provided as freebies. After the event finished, the creations are free for own sale.

It is mandatory that each exhibited image shows a hat provided at the event.We will organize a combination of photographer and designer. however you are free to drop us a wish, or to make a team with the designer and to  apply as a team

Art India Gallery and Allure Inc. are well connected to art and fashion networks. ART IN HATS will  invite important bloggers for reviews. The creators should be open to provide blogger review bags.

For the public will be several fashion shows with professional models featuring the hats. A Hat Decoration Contest with a fullperm sculpt will further attract visitors. The winner, nominated through public voting plus jury will get a full range of all exhibited hats as gift box.

For creators and photographers June 1st.
Please contact Quan Lavender,  Annough Lykin.,  Nala Kurka or Falbala Fairey.

Taken by Falbala Fairey
Art India Gallery is hosted by Veekay Navarathna and curated by Quan Lavender.
In the past years, the gallery hosted many well known artists. To name a few: William Weaver, Melusina Paerkin, JadeYu Fhang, Thoth Jantzen, Fiona, Leitner, Gabrielle Swindlehurst, Betty Tureaud, ElrosTuominen, London Junckers, Secret Rage, Bryn Oh, Rose Borchovski, Igor Ballyhoo, Kicca Igaly, Eliza Wierwight, Ub Yifu, Rebeca Bashly, Pol Jarvinen, Haveit Neox, SaveMe Oh, Pallina60 Loon, Eupalinos Ugajin, Gracie Kendall, Alizarin Goldflake, Trill Zapatero, Silene Christen, Penelope Parx, Toysoldier Thor, Louly Loon, Fuschia Nightfire, Chuckmatrix Clip, Nessuno Myoo and Oberon Onmura.
Our last and current exhibtions:

Fashion Agency
by Nala Kurka & Annough Lykin
founded Jan. 2011
Allure Inc. organizes shows, events and individual performances. We focus on professionalism and high quality not only for the shows we do but also from for models, who are chosen amongst the best in SL. Our demand is to create concepts on a high level, which stands as synonym for elegance, style and uniqueness. The goal is to develop a full package and combinate music, fashion, storyboard and feelings. If you want to know more about Allure Inc. please have a look at:  www.allure-inc-sl.de

Please contact Quan Lavender,  Annough Lykin,  Nala Kurka or Falbala Fairey.


Sand, Salt and Heat

The destination guide is not very complete and one often  needs other resources to find them. This time Flickr was my source. The natural environment, the tasteful decorated structures and the wonderful cactuses gave me a naturalistic holiday feeling.

From the land description: "Experience the beauty of Northern Baja California in its natural state. Beach, Dunes, Surf, Surfing, nature, ocean, and goats;)"

I should add AND HEAT!

Photographers will love that visitors can rez. Autoreturn 10 minutes. Don't forget to donate for that great region.

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Salt%20Water/183/149/22

Gallery Hopping

I was a bit lazy with blogging the last days. But not in travelling Second Life. I visited quite a few of galleries and exhibtions. Here is a choice of some favorites:

Fae Varriale @ Ce Soir

Ce Soir is one of most beautiful art and event locations with always interestting artists. Fae Varriale is skilled in SL photography and creates sculptures which are worth a closer look. To show you the delicacy of "Daughter of Wind" I took a photo of my own copy which I have more than a year always rezzed at my virtual home and I still love it.

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ce%20Soir/208/224/1002

Miuccia Klaar@Colore Gallery

Photography in Second Life had a breathtaking progress in the last one or two years. The quality of Miuccia Klaar's images is a good example. Her works are detailed and rich.

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Despina/188/129/22

Fuschia Nightfire @Paris METRO

I already wrote about this installation. Fuschia has uploaded a new video. In the structure at the other side of the stage area is the collection of all gowns which has been created in the past as part of the artist exhibitions with a design inspired by each artist. And again in front of the door is a new gift for the visitors. A cocktail dress - of course in Fuschia.

The current free gift at Paris METRO

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Paris%20Couture/126/27/22

Ohe53 @ Space 4 Art

"i was born in colombo
lived all my life in sri lanka
travelling all around the island
it's all around us
it's in your conscience
it's in ones genes
we carry suffering within us
even if we have never suffered in our lives

and it is not quiet
it's screaming

no there is no message in my pictures"

Thistext is taken from the artist statement of Nelun Harasgama, For having no message, her images are damn touching, Maybe because most of us knows well how suffering feels.  Look for yourself.

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Space%204%20Art/75/25/1055

Reopening: Paradise Gallery + Charity Auction

I found a nice gallery with interesting works. In front of the building is a silent Auction in favor of RFL. The auction is running until June 2nd and worth a look and bid.

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Despina/188/129/22