

BURN2 starts now!

Burn2 opens tomorrow and I am glad to give you a general overview of the show. In total there are 4 sims with lots of interesting exhibitions. There are balloons, cars and even elephant riding for you to get a first overview. Apmel and I has been fortunate enough to get a press tour, check his blogpost here

The theme this year is: "Rites of Passage" Six artists were invited to present. 2 of them have taken the theme in an excellent manner and I begin with them:

Claudia222 Jewell - THE SACRIFICE

You know Claudia from my post about mesh. The new work is not Mesh by wish of the organizers, but again great. Fascinating and terrifying. We see at two sides a young man at the center. On one side he looks anxious, on the other seriously, but triumphant. It is about the rites and trials that young people in all cultures on the threshold imposed to adulthood. Claudia commented that, particularly among young people, these rituals are often with blood, and some kind of sacrifice. This she wanted to show. The sculptures in the installation are different from every angle. Use the cam and look around. Claudia told me that she has already made so many photos, yet I managed a perspective that she had not discovered yet.


From columns are coming 4 avatars (bots) blessing a 5.  in their midst, which seems to feel quite helpless. There is something inculcated into him. You hear religious ritual chants, Croatian Orthodox, as Oberon told me. This is about as by institutions such as Church knowledge will be transferred to the youth. The older use their authority given by the institution. The installation has a strong, mystical effect. Oberon works mostly with objects. When he began to use bots  he got much stronger reactions on his work, not just positive. This has led him also to use them here. A very touching work!

The next three works in my opinion more show personal development than rites:

RAG Randt & Fuschia Nightfire -PIXELUTION

 That work shows from bottom to top the Transformation from 2D to 3D installations, exactly that, what makes Second Life so fascinating.

Rebeca Bashly - UNTITLED

A woman without a face is sitting on suitcases in an hourglass. The face leaks along with sand from the bottom of the hourglass. For me, this work is a sad and beautiful symbol of how a person is lost in the changing roles in life. Especially for these transitions if for example the children leave home or work life ends are missing transition rituals in our culture. The result is that today many people in a really ridiculous way hold on the youth and oversee the fact that different stages of life have their own good sides.

Trill Zapatero - GRAIL QUEST

Many of you probably know the Arthurian legend, where the knights seek the holy grail. This Grail is a synonym for knowledge and truth. That is the theme in Trills grail. Climb up the ladder and enjoy yourselves in the beautiful and detailed installation. Quite a lot of things can be clicked and on the way we see that there are many different holy grails, so perspectives on life. At the center appear symbols of Tarot cards. That made me happy of course (my regular readers know that I work with Tarot myself). The cards represent here self-knowledge, without which we can not develop. Don't miss to step into the Pond which leads you to the final destination. This interesting cup is not only built super, but also an oasis of tranquility to relax.

Now to see on the Afghanistan sim:

Starlash Sweetwater - UNTITLED

For completeness, I list the sixth work of invited artists. The work is nice. But I must confess that the installation does not say anything to me and I have the feeling that I've seen it all better elsewhere.
Other interesting installations:

Mikati Slade

As always, Mikati packed the serious theme of the show into screaming bright colors of our consumer world. It represents hope and fear, but the rising stars show that hope at the end wins. Soooo nice!

Alex Craft

At the opposite  of RAG’s tower is an installation with a very nice story. Alex is only 3 weeks in SL and accidentally landed on Burn2. She is also RL artist and has created her first built here with the help of colleagues. And it is much better as many works I have seen in SL. Truly remarkable!


In SL there is a sim, where can be practiced on the civil protection as RL simulation. Unfortunately it was quickly closed to the public, so I had no more chance of introducing you to it. Actually it was planned to close only during exercises. Too bad, it is in fact built great. Get an impression of it here on Burn2.

Maya Paris - SKELLY MER

My readers know Maya from her installation at Metales, which lasts only a few days more. So absolutely hurry if you haven’t seen yet! And you also know her great tower.
I guess Maya has used here a word game: Rites went to rides. And so is here instead the serious theme a funny carousel. As always, Maya offers a costume to wear. Sit on the carousel and the fun begins. Here the circle closes to Claudia's installation. You are already fearful when you see yourself in the costume! Hahaha!

Directly next to it:


Members of Aeonia
To my left Moeuhane Sandalwood and to my right
Ally Aeon, Nik Gandt, Penelope Parx and Harter Fall

In our lives we constantly make decisions that determine our path and lead to new challenges. Not every road is a good decision - Beware the quicksand! In a humorous way the art group Aeonia covers the theme. I had a lot of fun.

And if after all these impressions your head is not already spinning, then go in here at In Desicions:

Phew, I hope I've found the most important places, most likely there are still some hidden jewels. Tomorrow ist the Grand Opening. Please let me give you some advises for your visit: Burn2 runs many scripts and already on the press day lag monsters circled over the ledge. Wear lag-friendly clothes, detach all scripts and Huds and bring patience with you to rez. The graphics settings should be at least medium, or you'll miss a lot of visual effects. Have fun!


And another Italian Cooperation: Pyramid Fall

Rarely there is an exhibition where I really like all works. Here is one and therefore I absolutely must recommend it. The works are all in 3D and the artists' names are speaking for themselves: Congrejo Aloisio, Daco Monday, Giovanna Cerise, Gleman Jun, kicca Igaly, Lion Igaly, Maryva Mayo, nessuno Myoo Nino Vichan, Peste Razor, Solkide Auer, and Tani Thor. On one work I would like to go into detail, but first, some photos here:

I do not think I've ever seen works by Nino Vichan before, but in that high-class show one work touched me enormously:

We see a birth scene. Among the sculptures appear again and again photos. The arms and legs of the women are held by men with chains and shackles. A birth is a brutally painful, even violent and dangerous procedure for both mother and child. Immediately came up strong memories. But I was really shocked when I read the note card. In many states of US it is still common practice to leave pregnant prisoners in chains and shackles. Giving birth is for sure the weakest moment in a woman’s life, certainly no risk to escape. This practice is an inhumane and unnecessary torture, which also makes a birth even more risky. Nino Vichan has created a great and expressive work.

Today, on 29 September at 3 PM is the opening. The exhibition will be on display for three months.


Must look like paradise: BUGALOO

Soror Nishi builds special trees and plants that look like colorful pop art. I especially like the incredibly delicate-looking leaves of the trees.  In between are alien-looking flowers emitting beautiful particles. You may also try to set the sun position to midnight.  Throughout the month of October you have the opportunity to enjoy these beautiful works on a half sim. On Sunday, 2. at 2PM SLT is the official opening party.

Sadly gone!


Yay! The end is not yet over: Worlds Ends Garden

In my first travelogue I presented the Worlds End Garden, and I actually thought that it no longer existed.  I just did not realize that it had moved on a whole Sim. Worlds End Garden is more beautiful and romantic than ever. Do not miss the TP up into the "sky", provided at the altar.

Italian artist cooperation: Oppression

I am happy that I finally got the chance to present Oppression by Aloisio Congrejo. While landing you see all tight and grey in grey, The faces watch you fearful. But when you move, suddenly space and colour appears... Fiona Saiman has taken photos of the faces, using the "natural" water effect in SL. Very interesting works!

Since you are already at tKf, don’t miss the beautiful portraits by Isabella Alphaville shown in the Sky gallery.

Sadly gone!

Yet another Tower with Art

Some ideas seem to be in the air, Gleman Jun also has built a tower. This one is 300 meters high, and you have to climb on foot. Which is good, because some of the placed sculptures deserve to be given a little time, especially "The Matter of Ideas" at the foot of the tower.

The tower is part of an exhibition event "Gift", which runs until the third October. Here is a summary table of all places is at all landing points.

Here are my personal recommendations:

Very nice are the sculptures of Luko Enoch. I really felt in love with them.

The bunker of Alon Figaro is nice, but...well ... a bit puristic ;)
The surprise came when i walked out to the sea...

Chuckmatrix Clip, Ub Yifu, and Lilianna Clarity show on Oupolis. Chuck and Ub build fantastic sculptures that are always a feast for the eyes. And Lilianna’s portraits are extraordinary. They touched my heart. The sim Oupolis is lovingly designed and worth a stroll.

And finally, I must point at the Galeria Mexico. Owner Owl Braveheart  initiated  the entire exhibition series. The gallery consists of rebuilt Aztec temples.  At the site I especially liked the works of Sledge Roffo. He has built beautiful sculptures and shows 2 additional photos of each.

Gulls and sea air: Plage des Graniers

Coincidentally, I recently landed on a maritime-themed sim, delighted with the many small details. At the landing point of seagulls sitting on the parapet, a lighthouse, a fully furnished house and many more. A place to roam and feel great, especially for two;)