

Opening Tomorrow: Pumpkin Town

Tomorrow starts the month October, which is busy in Second Life and ends with a highlight: Halloween. It inspires many designers to create items and to build spooky places. I love it and as every year I will pick some and present them in the blog.

"Pumpkin Town" starts tomorrow with a full sim, created by Taylor Flanagan and a team. I walked up and down the winded paths, there is so much to see. The place is good for several visits.

Pumpkin Town is not really spooky. It is more  like a well made theme park with a maze, haunted mansion, carousel and a cinema, which provides a program of changing horror movies.

But that is not all. The sponsors offer in small shacks many Halloween-related items, apparel, horror avatars and much Halloween decoration...

The visitors find many and great gifts a the Skull  Hunt. The Facebook group and the Facebook page will run a "Word game". Find all links below.

Pumpkin Town has a schedule of music events too. A great place to try out your Halloween ad horror outfits. Enjoy!

The Skull Hunt:
Facebook Group with Word Game:
Facebook Page with Word Game:
Music Events Program:
Horror Movies Program:

Open all October!


Madness Fantastique

Cold Frog and Catchafire Shilova, two skilled SL photographers just opened a new exhibition at Nitroglobus Gallery: Madness Fantastique

All images has been created for the exhibition. Great images in a great setting. Worth to be seen!


LL Change of TOS for Content Creators: EMERGENCY DISCUSSION TODAY

"The Words of my Life" by Aloisio Congrejo @ Tanalois Gallery
The last changes of TOS transfer all properties of uploaded Textures to Linden Lab. The result is that texture providers already forbid uploads to Second Life and artists and creators will refrain from uploading of works to SL, as they give LL any rights to use the textures however hey want to. A huge Exodus to other grids will be unavoidable if Linden Lab does not change back.In an interview of Inara Pey, Linden Lab expressed thathey "respect the proprietary rights of Second Life’s content creators", but nothing happened so far.

Ernie Farstrider, owner of  EAST~WEST~NORTH Galleries invites to a discussion today:

WHAT:       Special -- "Emergency" -- Discussion Meeting

WHY:         Second Life Terms of Service (ToS) Changes

WHERE:      EAST~WEST Amphitheater

WHEN:       Sunday, September 29, 2013  12:00 (noon) to 1:00 p.m.

WHO:        Anyone who now or intends to hold and maintain, import, buy, or sell User Content in Second Life.

HOW:        Principally by written chat.

PLEASE:     Be prompt and take a seat in the Amphitheater quickly.

"Pace" (Peace) by Daco Monday @ Artemis Gallery

Kylie Addison Sabra, Curator @The Rose Theatre & Art Galleries commented: "The Rose Theatre and Galleries has been an avid supporter of art in Second Life from it's very inception nearly seven years ago. We are deeply concerned about this volatile change in the Second Life Terms of Service, which is an utter break of trust between Linden Labs and all content creators.

Ernie Farstrider of EAST-WEST Galleries has offered up his Amphitheater to host a meeting of artists and all content creators to discuss this change, its effects and our consequent response.

Installation by DB Bailey @ Frantastica

Please don't think this doesn't affect you because you are a "small" creator. Not my choice of word, but rather some of the responses I've heard. With the loss of Renderocity and CGTextures as resources for textures, we may well be seeing just the beginning of a full-scale protest against Linden Labs for this unconscionable action. When creators and third-party materials providers stop permitting uploads to SL, don't think for a minute that you are not affected.

 3D version of the paintings of the Italian artist Walter Mac Mazzieri  by maddomxc Umino @ Pyramid Cafe
Opening today!

As new work can't be sold, tiers can't be paid.  Galleries will close, Stores will close. It is a domino effect.
Imagine this. You are invited to display in a real life gallery. You're so incredibly excited and you hang your work on the walls and have your reception and the gallery owner turns to you and says, "Oh, by the way, I own all of your work now. I have full rights to it to do with as I please. It is mine."

How would you respond to that? This is precisely what Linden Labs has done.

Apathy can spell the end of this world as we know it.  Come and be heard. Come and have a voice. Come and be a solution to the problem.

ALL content creators are encouraged to attend.  Please forward this to your groups"

Uploaded RL works by LeMelonrouge Onyett @ Aneli's Gallery

Will all that art the last we had the chance to see in Second Life?

Taxi to Discussion:

Taxi to Tanalois Gallery:

Taxi to DB Baileys Frantastica:

Taxi to Aneli's Gallery:

Taxi to Artemis Galley:

Taxi to Pyramid Cafe: Opening today!


Living with Mental Disease - Last Days!

Creating art ís always a very personal process and if the artist wants or not, he always reveals a part of his inner life. Usually it cannot be easily deciphered and and allows different meanings. Chuckmatrix Clip went a step further. His installation "INNER PRISONS" tells in sculptures and images the story of his mental disease and gives the visitor a strong and moving insight in what it means to be sick and hospitalized. As curator of Art India Gallery I feel very honored that he gave us the trust to host this outstanding exhibition. Read the artist statement and my curators note for the opening here. It will close in a few days and we took the chance for an interview:

All photos taken by Pallina60 Loon

Quan Lavender: You dared to show an installation which is very personal and gives the visitors a strong expression of being hospitalized. Let's start with the beginning. We all have moods. What made you starting to think that something is not “normal” with you?

Chuckmatrix Clip: That's actually a tough question. I had kind of a slow descent into depression. The first I was really aware that something wasn't right was when I became suicidal. But it took another several months before the manic symptoms started to become unmanageable. It was another couple of months of rapid cycling (relatively swift transitions between depressed and manic) before other people started to comment on my behavior. But, when you're LIVING it and you're undiagnosed, it seems like you are the way you are and you rationalize it. You believe that this IS normal. I didn't really start to understand the scope of my illness until I was in the hospital for a while. With medication and some guidance I started to realize that the mood swings weren't normal and that the delusions, paranoia and hallucinations weren't real. Then in hind sight I was able to trace the beginnings of some of my symptoms to about midway through high school.

Quan Lavender: How was your experience with the health system? Did they help you the right way?

Chuckmatrix Clip:  Without going into too much detail... They gave me help right away, yes. They had to. Things that I did, said, and openly planned to do, resulted in the doctors having me committed. One of them told my parents that I couldn't come home after a month in the hospital because if I did, I would be a headline within six months.
    My experience with the mental health system is probably best described as a kind of tough love. There were people... doctors, social workers, nurses and orderlies that I can credit each with certain little breakthroughs. It seemed like they were just mean or insensitive at the time, but a little later I would come to the realization that they were giving me the next wake up call, the next kick in the pants that I needed at that moment to progress further in my treatment. It was the kind of help I needed. It was the way I needed to be dealt with at that time, and it's not the way they deal with everyone.

Quan Lavender: What about your friends and family, could they deal with the issue. Have they been helpful for you?

Chuckmatrix Clip:  There were a few friends who just abandoned me. They dropped off of the face of the earth, and I never heard from them again. There were a couple who stuck by, and did what they could to support me. As far as family, I credit my parents with a lot. They came to the hospital once a week for months. It was an hour drive each way, but they would come to do family therapy with me and my therapist. They also did their research. They learned about my illness as I did. They learned the signs and symptoms of when I was having an issue or not and they went to groups and talked to doctors about the best ways to support and help me. They also played a defensive role for me. They told other members of the family, who didn't quite understand what was going on with me, what things were ok to talk about or not, what they could or could not give me, etc. In many ways they had lost the son they knew, and fought every bit as hard as I did, sometimes harder, to help find me again.

Quan Lavender: In the note card in your exhibition you describe how the teddy bear with the scent of your mother was the turning point in your healing process. Please tell about your fight back to life.

Chuckmatrix Clip:  The climb back up from rock bottom isn't a steady climb. I had a lot of slips where I would fall back, and for a long time I had difficulty really grasping the fact that I was ill. I just wanted to go home. I wanted to stop being treated like there was something wrong with me and go back to the way things were. That was the biggest hurdle, admitting... no... KNOWING that I was ill. That moment came with my therapist in the hospital. Her name was Barbara. She forced me to scrutinize every single aspect of myself. One day she settled on one very seemingly unimportant detail. She kept asking why I wouldn't wear anything but black. No answer was good enough. Nothing I said, no excuse or explanation I gave was acceptable for her. I got more and more flustered and frustrated until I finally broke down and started sobbing and said "I don't know alright? I don't know! I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME!" She leaned back in her chair with a little smile and said "Good... now we can get to work." I had no IDEA what she was talking about, but later I realized it was in that moment when I stopped rationalizing, explaining and downplaying my symptoms and behavior, and just admitted I was fucked up and had no clue why or how to change it.
    She did a lot of the initial work with me of laying the foundation for the man I am now. She studied every bit of myself from my personality to my opinions on pretty much everything to my sexuality. Nothing was to be taken for granted or assumed to be understood. I had to analyze everything about myself, from my earliest memories to the then present day.
    I had a lot of therapy once I was out of the hospital as well. One on one therapy, group therapy, anger management, cognitive therapy... The list goes on and on. Every step of the way I learned more about myself, my illness and gained insight on how to recognize and manage my own symptoms. To this day I use many of the tools I learned in those sessions. I almost never take for granted the fact that I'm ok. I am always aware that there is the chance that even now, I am symptomatic. I keep an eye on myself as much as possible, but I made an agreement with certain people years ago, especially my parents, that if they noticed something about me that seemed off, I would at LEAST seriously consider it. I don't blow them off, I investigate it as much as I can, and if what they notice does indeed fall into certain criteria that I am indeed having an off day, then I do what has to be done to fix it. If it turns out that it isn't an issue, then great, but I never just blow them off.

Quan Lavender: I have problems to use the words normal, but have no better word to describe the healthy state of mind, because I think some behavior can be “normal” for one, but already “sick” for the other. Do you think that our medical system is able to measure the degree of mental sickness or do you feel pressed in a template?

 Chuckmatrix Clip: As far as the word normal goes, I think it's bullshit. There's no normal. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE has an issue of one sort or another. We're all a little fucked up. We all have an irrational fear that keeps us from doing certain things, childhood memories that haunt us, whether we admit it or not, we all have beliefs that someone else thinks is absurd. There are just certain levels of accepted behavior and thinking, which can be very different depending on your culture. If I were to take my child and cut his skin to create scars on him to mark his passage into manhood I would go to jail for child abuse, but in certain tribes in Africa, it's accepted tradition. If i fell down on the street speaking in tongues I would be picked up by the police in no time, but if i did it in certain churches there would be someone else doing it right next to me. It's all relative, there is no normal, there is just accepted.
    That said, the mental health system does it's best. There are diagnoses and mixtures of diagnoses that are used, but most people who have done their research know that it's not just a template or rubber stamp, its a guide. A man who is bipolar may also have deep seated fears of chinchillas that can exacerbate certain symptoms. Those may not be a part of his illness per se, but stem from an unfortunate attack of chinchillas when he was two that he can't even remember. The diagnoses help guide us in what kind of treatment we need, but it is never as clear cut as the name of the illness that you have. So we do the best we can with the tools we have available, and thankfully, those tools are improving all the time.

Quan Lavender: How is the life after a mental disease? Do you feel completely healthy or do you fear to become sick again?

 Chuckmatrix Clip: There's no life after mental disease, just like there's no life after heart disease or multiple sclerosis. It is a life long condition that doesn't go away. I'm always bipolar, whether I'm in the throws of a manic phase or completely stable, medicated and playing around on the computer. I actually read something recently that touched a nerve. What if we treated other diseases the way we treat mental illness? "I'm getting really tired of this 'cancer' of yours I think it's high time you snapped out of it!" Or... "WHAT?! you mean there's some guy with cystic fibrosis just walking around?! Can't we lock these people up?" These are things we would never think of saying, and yet they are things that are said to or about people with mental illness all the time. This isn't a life choice. People who are bipolar, or schizophrenic or who have PTSD or depression aren't out of control assholes. They're sick they have faulty wiring in their brains or chemical imbalances that can be treated, but like heart disease or fibromyalgia, it doesn't go away, you live with it for the rest of your life. It's different for everyone. Most days I feel pretty good. I feel like me, under control, balanced and generally happy. Of course I always fear decompensating and  becoming fully symptomatic again, but I'm always vigilant for the signs so that, hopefully, I can make the necessary changes before it gets out of hand. The fact is though that I live with the knowledge that one day I may become sick again. Your body can build up tolerances to the medications over the years, so one day, years from now I may fly off the handle and realize, oops... my medication stopped working and I am a raving lunatic right now.

Quan Lavender: Mental disease is still a taboo to talk about. You broke it in SL. What are the reactions?

 Chuckmatrix Clip: It IS still a taboo subject, which is part of why I did the show. It's ridiculous for it to be taboo. Is a cancer patient afraid to admit he has cancer? Is someone with crohn's disease looked at as some how less than human? Of course not. We're all just people, a series of life experiences, successes, failings, illnesses, and they all make us who we are. I am who I am partly because I'm mentally ill. I'm pretty happy with who I am, and I'm not afraid to talk about my illness, which has lead to an amazing realization. When I talk about it openly, nine times out of ten, the person I'm talking to is also ill or has a relative or friend who is also ill. My issues... the issues of many people with mental illness are COMMON, yet we hide it as if it's something to be feared and rejected. People so often express relief when they talk to me about it, just because they have someone who understands.
    As far as reactions to the show, it's been interesting. Some people were deeply disturbed by it, and although impressed by the art work, couldn't go back in once they'd left. There were others who thanked me for my courage, for sharing such a personal story. Still others took the opportunity to share their stories, or the stories of loved ones with me. And many more were just quiet and congratulated me on the exhibit in general.

Quan Lavender: And how do you deal with it in Real Life?

    As I said earlier, I use the many coping tools I learned over the years to keep myself balanced. I take my medication religiously, and I keep up with my doctors and counselors. I also keep in touch with my mom, who is often the first so see the subtler signs of my symptoms. Other that, I live my life as anyone else does. I finished school, I work on graphic design projects, and if I never told you I was mentally ill, you likely wouldn't have a clue there was anything wrong with me.

Quan Lavender: Do you think that creating and exhibiting the works was helpful for you?

Chuckmatrix Clip: Creating and exhibiting any work that I do is helpful, because it fulfills a need to express things that I find I can't express as effectively in words. This show, however, wasn't about helping me. It was about telling a story. It was my story and the story of many others like me. I hoped that it would help others. I hoped it would make some people feel not as alone in the world. I hoped it would bring a level of understanding to others who maybe didn't understand what their child or sibling or significant other is going through. I hoped to maybe help end the stigma of mental illness by daring to share this part of myself in an incredibly public forum. I think, based on the responses I got, I was successful, at least a little bit.

Quan Lavender: Thank you for that insights.

INNER PRISONS is open until September 31st. Do not miss it!

Taxi: sadly gone


Sneak Preview: Atari

Atari ( あたり) is known as creator of the first computer games. The name is derived from a Japanese word and means "to hit the target".  It is used in Japanese also for old console games and when a prediction comes true.

As I stated in may post about Aneli Abeyante's exhibition at Galleria Mexico structures are, as nice as they are, a challenge for the artists and more than once I saw them dominating the art. So I was curious how Betty Tureaud would solve it. In her typical playful style she recreated on 2 levels a colorful simple video game. Don't miss to walk on or sit on the pyramid at the 2nd floor and see what happens.

I would say Atari! She made it!

Make sure to have the viewer on daylight and have sound enabled.

Opening Sunday, September 29th at 11.45 AM SLT!



Dark Moon

Dark Moon has changed again, this time to Avalon:

This boat leads to the castle

Nepherses Amat wrote: "This Avalon based on The Mists of Avalon, pre-Arthur. Feel free to RP spontaneously. A few of the characters from the book live here: Vivian Lady of the Lake, Merlin, and the priestess Raven. So those roles are taken. If I get to know you well, and you want a role to improvise regularly, we can work that out. but I am big into spontaneity! There are various dances around the sim and at least 3 places to relax with some wine. There are also dances, PG cuddles, and places to relax with a drink on Dark Moon...

...Generally speaking  I don't like role play in SL. It is too slow and rigid for me. However, I do like to PLAY! More adults should play! But all those rules and regulations  tend to limit the spontaneity of play, and much of it requires learning history, creating back stories, etc and on and on to ad nausea. SO what I like is "spontaneous RP" or that's what I call it! If a dragon happens to fly up, I respond as if it is really a dragon, not an avatar, ..."

I like this idea about roleplay, because it is fun to play. But I am fast bored and cannot imagine to play the same day by day. And as far as I have seen most RP sims end in a huge quarrel about plot and rules. A spontaneous and short play is just the right idea.

Nepherses Amat an Zube Udimo did a great job with the place, which is great for explorers and photographers.


Mr. Bones: Hallelujah

Which is the perfect heaven? Filmed in Second Life by Ole Etzel and hilarious!


Winter Moon

Everytime I think I have seen all, a place teaches me better. Winter Moon is dark and rainy landscape which reminds me of the stormy days in early Autumn at the Northern Sea.

All is a bit dramatic and melancholic, but a bit surrealistic too. Highly recommended for a walk.



Gallery Hopping or What to do Today?


The impossible happiness I felt strongly in the central work of this exhibition at a former presentation and it has a place in my private gallery: The other person is diappearing, falling aparta an flying away like sand in the storm. One feels that there is no possibility to stop that progression.

But all works are good here and the sim is beautiful too. I saw works by JadeYu Fhang and Ziki Questi anf beautiful structures.



Some really nice new works, partly scripted! I especially like this one: "Matiere". The setting of the gallery is a bit competing with the art but nice to see.



Artemis Gallery is inviting to a special life performance. Ultraviolet Alter is a great artist and has many fans. You better show up early.

Today at 2 PM SLT!



Autumn Melancholy

Great fun for me is redecorating my 1/4 Homestead for every new season. And here I can change the house too! The Farnsworth House waited since summer to be rezzed, but then I found a pink cottage at 'Home and Garden Expo' and pink had to be placed in Summer. I blogged it here. Once finished for the blog photos I found it so cute that I had to move to my home. And this house is great in Autumn too!

This structure is a rebuilt of a real weekend house, created by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and built around 1950. It is said that Mies van der Rohe invested thousands of hours in the creation and the house is regarded as the model of all glass houses. The owner was not happy with the result and I think I understand now why.

Once rezzed on my land I felt the enormous strength of the creation. It is a piece of timeless art. Everything is so perfect that I found it hard to furnish. Kendrah Zaurak, owner of Fanatik and the creator of the mesh house obviously invested lots of work as well. It is great in every detail. The structure had in original size only 27 prims. I enlarged it a bit to my SL needs and it has now 33 prims, still great!

The Farnsworth house is like a spoiled diva, it invites only the best to move it and it was not easy to conquer and make it my own house. I had to follow partly the original furnishing, nothing else worked and ended up in buying a lot of design classics.

As art collector and blogger I have a large collection of artworks. Most of them stay sadly in my inventory and it is always fun to place the works in addition to the houses. (Bye, bye to all the artists who defriend me now^^, Many of you see art as standalone and hate to become house decoration with their works. But this is how average people like me enjoy art.) The sculpture"Sun of Mondrian" is created by Sledge Roffo. Placing this my melancholy started. Sledge has left Second Life. Some works - and I think not his best - are to be found in Gallery Studio33. Buying this statue I met and made friend with Cecilia Delacroix, who passed away in Summer. Find my post here. Cecilia has/had a huge, if not complete collection of Sledge Roffo's art in her Campus d'Art. Nobody knows when her Museum will vanish. So better go today to see it!

For the living room I found a scripted work in my inventory, "Lyoke"  by Harter Fall with slowly changing cubist patterns in green. Harter is creative director of Madpea and his art gallery vanished. But at least you still can ask him in case of interest.

It's funny, but more or less it is always the same works that find their place in and around my home. I think I never had a house in SL without an image by Fiona Leitner. Some of her works gladly are to be found at Gallery Studio 33 and in her own gallery. I am very happy that Fiona encouraged by her success in Second Life now sells her digital art in RL too. At the right side you see "Fracture", the first artwork I ever bought in SL and I still love it. Snaptick Laxness and his work vanished from the grid too.

This sculpture is one of my favourites. It constantly grows different granite statues which fade to invisible. The genius Gleman Jun is currently not in SL but hopes to be back soon. Luckily his gallery is still up with almost all of his works. You really should have a look. Who knows if he really comes back or the gallery vanish forever?

Edward Vintner cannot come back, he passed away in 2011. This statue is strong by its simplicity of 5 slowly moving, color changing prims and therefore a perfect match to the house. Luckily Gallery Graine still sells his works and some items can be found at the Marketplace.

Besides the creator of "Gem's Fractal Pyramids", Gem Preiz, all artists here have left Second Life: HallelujahJones, Numero5, Arubella Porthos and Feathers Boa. Feathers had a sale of her works before she left, so I think many collectors will own lots of her works as I do too.

Another 2 great artists which are lost: Claudia222 Jewell is still around but does not create anymore. Since she never sold there will be not many copies of her works in the grid. You find some of her pieces here, take the TP at the landing spot
The creator of the "Final Rose", Igor Ballyhoo has left SL and since he never sold his works too, there should be not much around anymore. Three large installations, "Metamorphosis", "Forest of Scissors" and "Axis Mundi" are still to be seen here (take the TP's at the landing spot) and you really should go and see. When the place vanish the works will be lost forever.

All these creators has been pioneers of virtual art. Its sad to see so many vanish. I usually blog the positive, new artists, new istallations and new works. But we really should think about the preservation too.

I was too lazy to list all the creators of the furnishing and 40 artworks in house and garden. In case you are interested in anything or want to have a look, please IM me and I am happy to invite you.

Gallery Graine:
Gallery Gleman Jun:
Gallery Studio33:
Campus d'Art:
Gallery Fiona Leitner:


Some Videos


Fellow blogger Maddy Gynoid posted a well made machinima taken at Toru:

Toru - A Journey of Renewal from Leroy Voorhees on Vimeo.

I checked the sim today, it is a a land devastated by a major earthquake. Another great place to explore.

Taxi to Toru:

Eupalinos Ugajin had some fun at Musiclandia:

"Musiclandia" from Eupalinos Ugajin on Vimeo.


Whale Choir

Lorin Tone sent me this link to his video today. Of course it is not taken in SL, but you should know about Lorin. He is the master of sounds in Second Life. Whatever you need in sounds, he most likely will have it.


Into the Sea

Today the Designers United 5 event was not that full and laggy and I fell in love with a house created by Lakua Arriaga:  "Into the Sea"

Lakua is not only drummer and singer of Engrama (one of the few bands which really play live in SL) she is owner and creator of Ionic. I love the quality of her textures and the tasteful choice of colors. All is a bit girls dreams like "Into the Sea" too.

The house is fully furnished with baked shadows, has 87 LI and is for 380 Linden a bargain. All items are linked, except sofa, chair and bed.


And in case you do not know Engrama, you should see this Drax Files: